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I'm awaken to a loud nock on my door."Regina dear, I have to speak with you!"my mother sounds

"EMMA!" I frantically whisper
"What? No? Five more minutes" Emma confusingly mumbles as I shake her. "Emma get up! Right now!" I continue. "Regina?" My mother continues to nock. "just a moment" I yell out. "Emma!"

"What? What's wrong." She asks finally getting up from the bed. "My mother's on other side of the door."

Emma immediately jumps from the bed and starts putting her pants back on, as she took them off to get comfortable.

"I'm coming in." My mother yells.

I sprint to the bathroom

I hear her enter the room. "Where are you dear?" She questions. "in here, mother" I call out while putting on a robe.
I walk back into the room and Emma is no where to be seen.

"Regina dear, your father has asked for this mornings breakfast to be served soon, he would like to leave early." My mother orders

"So let your maid know." She spits and exits the room.
Emma crawls from under the bed as she hears the door shut. "Good hiding spot." I laugh. "It was the only thing I could thing of, she just came in." She smiles

"That was close..." I smile as I make my way over to Emma. I place my hands on her waist and put her into a light kiss. "We have to go make breakfast."

"Who's we?" She smiles. "Mostly me, my mother sais real women know how to cook. So you just have to look like you're washing dishes."

"Good. Because I have no idea how to cook." She laughs. "How did you ever get this job?" I smile. "It's a mystery." She shrugs. I pull her into another kiss. "Let's hurry down stairs."


"That was decent." My father speaks and breaks the silence. The entire breakfast has been one long suffering silence. "Yes father." I nod. "Emma inters the room and starts collecting plates.

"Regina, your father and I will be leaving soon after breakfast and will not be returning until dinner." My mother nods. "Yes mother." I smile and stand from the table. I walk into the kitchen and stand over the sink. Emma fallows in behind and opens the dish washer,.not noticing me. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I mumble, trying to push back down The chincks of food making there way back up my throat. Emma shoots her head up and rushes over. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just fine...but maybe step back a little bit."I say looking up at the ceiling trying to focus on something else. "Is it morning sickness? I thought that was over."

"Yeah me too." As soon as I say the last word I lean over the sink and feel everything inside me poor out. "That's gross" Emma says gagging.

"I thought morning sickness happens when you wake up." Emma asks.

I catch my breath and whipe my mouth. "it's more like an all day thing." I mumble. "How long have you been pushing that down."

"Since we sat at the table." "And you ate? How did you eat anything while trying not to Puke?"

"I didn't want to seem rude by not eating. My mother would have striked me." I huff while grabbing some napkins to wipe my mouth.

"Really? For not eating?"

"Yes, they're not sane people Emma, what they do only makes sense to them." I shrug.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to do anything."

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. I'm going to go brush my teeth and get ready for the day." I force a smile and go upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Emma stops me as I reach for the door nob. "To the school. They're not here so I'm going to go and catch up on some work."

"Wait on me, I have some papers that need grading." Emma says as she grabs her jacket and rushes upstairs.

"Hurry ,Emma." I yell up the stairs.

After a few moments she rushes back down stairs. "Ta da" she huffs while out of breath. "That was fast."

"I don't take forever to get ready, unlike you." She smile as she opens the door and starts walking out.

I roll my eyes and unlock my car doors.


"Do you want to eat in my class for lunch or yours?" I ask as I'm about to enter my class room. "how about mine this time?" She smiles. "Ok" I say before giving her a little kiss on the cheek and going into my class.

I sit at my desk and pull out some papers.

Before I can start my work I hear a nock on my door. "Come in" I yell.
In walks mr.balfing with an angry face and a fist full of papers. "Dr.mills, did you tell Elijah Ellis that you were going to sleep with his father and make his parents get a divorce." He yells.

I look at him confused. "I can assure you I never said those volgir words to him, What an awful lie." I frown

"I'm not buying your bullshit, Regina. You can't talk to student anyway you want. We have a reputation to uphold." He continues

"You can pull students from my class and ask them. I would never talk to a child that way." I continue to lie.

"Then I will. If one of those little bastards even utter a word that hints that you did, your ass is grass."

"Yeah, ok browning."

"Now that you're done with your little tantrum, can you leave my class? Some of us are trying to work. I smile.

"Here, this is the paperwork you have to fill out for him to be transfered out of your class."

"Transfered out?"

"Yes, he's dropping your class."

"Hiss loss." I shrug while signing the papers.

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