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I wake up lying next to Robin. His arms wrapped around me and his breath lightly reaching the back of my neck. I feel...I feel nothing. I thought if I slept with the right man this time I would feel different. But it's the same, nothing. Maybe It just needs a little time.

I slide fron under Robin and make my way to the bathroom. Once there I get in the shower. What to do today?

I can't sit in this God awful house. Just lying around in thoughts about this god-awful marriage. I'm off work today, and usually when I'm off I just go to bars or other places to find hookups, but I'm not doing that anymore. Maybe I should plan something with Robin? No, He has to work today.

What to do? What to do? I get out the shower and put my face on. Once done I go to my closet and pick out an outfit for the day. Once I leave my closet I realize Robin is no longer in bed.

I head downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. Once there I am met with Robin. " Good morning, honey" he smiles my way. I shoot him a smile and grab a mug. I walk to the coffee machine and make a cup. "Any plans for today, my love?" Robin asks

"I don't think so. Ill probably stop by the library and pick up a few books for my students." I say then grab some sugar. He nods. "I should be back home at five, I don't have much to do. I think I have a few interviews for a new secretary." He says walking twords me. "Remind me, what happened to the last one?" I ask before sipping my hot coffee.

"She's on leave for a while...a very long while. I have too much going on in the office for just me to handle. Today is the only day I have cleared, so I have to find one soon." He sighs.

I remember his secretary Kathryn. She's been gone for quite some time. She came back for a few months then disappeared again. Weird? She needs to be fired."

"Well my love, I'm going to head out now. " Robin Says while planting a kiss on my forehead. "Goodbye, hunny"I fake smile. "Good bye" he says while making his way to the door.

I guess I could schedule a session with Archie. Seeing him today wouldn't hurt.
I wonder if he's open for today?

*Over the phone*
Archie: "hello, Regina"

Regina:"Hello Archie. I was wondering if you could fit me in for today?

Archie: "Regina, you know my office is closed for today."

Regina: "oh, you're right. I forgot"

Archie: is there something you want to tell me? I could open my office for a session-

Regina: " no, that won't be necessary"

Archie: "are you sure? I wouldn't mind?"

Regina:" yes, have a nice day

Archie: "and you."

I hang up the phone and put my mug in the sink. I can't believe I forgot that.
Well, it's 12pm, I guess I could hang out at the bar. Nothing bad could happen? Right? Just a little light day drinking.

I grab my keys and purse. I get in my car and start driving. Once at the bar I realize, I have no idea how much the drinks are. I usually don't by my own drinks. Guess there's a first for everything.

I grab some cash out my wallet and head inside. Once in, the old smell of vodka and puke hit my nose. I take a deep breath and let out a smile. This place brings back memories, and not just the ones I've made here, but a lot from back home.

Once I sit at the bar, the bartender shoots me a grin. "not today tommy, I'm just here for a few drinks." I smile. "Are you sure? I could get ruby to cover for me while we go have some fun in the back office." He says while cleaning a glass. "Nope. I'm a new woman today, a loyal my husband that is." I laughe. "Since when? just a few nights ago I seen you go home with a man." He laughs.

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