Chapter Sixteen: Oh Nicci!

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{The picture above us how I picture Ellie's new look, in a way. Obviously a younger version and more 2015 then the 50s but yes this is the look she's going for. Enjoy!}

Ellie's POV

His eyes fluttered wildly, scanning every inch of my body until he final made eye contact with me.
'Ellie...hey look nice' Nico mumbled.
I couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth or not but had to do this. I need him to hate me.
'Thanks chick, I'm going for the rock style!'
Nico gulped nervously. This was exactly what I wanted to happen.

Okay so let me explain what's going on. The night I told Nico that I liked him I did a lot of thinking. This isn't me. Before my mum died I was more confident around school, boys and to myself. I needed an energy booster.

Next day I went into town with Emma and asked her what she thought. She told me it was such a cool idea and I should go for it (Emma's into all that stuff anyway - rock music, black, piercings). She took me into a piercing place and I got my belly, 4 more on my ears and nose pierced. She even brought me some new clothes to start my new look of.

I thought this would be the perfect way to make Nico somehow forgive me for blurting that stuff out and to leave me alone. I hate to say it but I had to move on.

I went to Skype him that night but Emma said it would be a good idea to leave him waiting which would make him more mad and it would be easier to break the news.

So, here I am 3 weeks later acting 'cool'.

'Hey like my new earrings!?' I basically screamed at the screen.
Nico stuttered before saying yeah. This isn't working, the only thing I could see happening was him turn more red and awkward.
I went to speak when he suddenly butted in.
'Ellie, what's happened?'
What the hell? What does he mean what's happened!? Everything's perfectly normal can't he just get it that I've moved on from wimpy Ellie and now I'm rock chick Ellie.
'What 'ya mean babes? Im perfectly fine.'
'No your not Ellie. This isn't you' Nico commented.
'Nicci, I'm fine Hun!'
I picked up my phone and started scrolling through Instagram to act casual.
'Ellie' Nico whispered.
'Yeah sweetheart' I cooed
'Its Nico'
'My names Nico. Not Nicci, babe, sweetheart or another dumb name you wanna call me.
Even though my aim was to make him mad and I was, I suddenly felt bad and somewhat upset. But this is what I wanted right? This was for the best? I had to act casual.

'Oh Nicci! Your so funny bæ!!' I giggled.
I looked back down at my phone, chewing hard on my now tasteless strip of gum.
*beep, beep*
Startled, I looked up from my phone and saw nothing. Nico had hung up on me. Was this actually what I wanted? All of a sudden, guilt swept over me and I wanted to be normal Ellie. What have I done.

Before I closed my laptop a notification popped up on my screen.

Nico.Liersch : Who are you, and what have you done with the Ellie I loved?

Oh crap. He loves me too. Well, now it's loved..

Hello guys! Oh my god, Thankyou for so many reads and votes. I'm deeply sorry for not updating in aaaaggggeeeeesss. I've just been so busy with school work and shows. I will be back on track soon!!:) <3
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Twitter: @ellaahamlin

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