Chapter Eight: Video Chat

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Nicos POV

'Wanna video chat?'

I didn't know whether that sounded to forward or not. I know I hadn't ever seen her or spoken to her, but she seems like a pretty nice girl.

I waited and waited which seemed like forever until he finally replied.

'Sure :) '

Ok so she had agreed, now all I need to do is clicked the call button. Come on Nico it's or one fricking button to press and then you get to see her face. Wait that sounded creepy, it's not as if I wanna see her face. No I don't wanna sound mean. Ahh for god sake just press the darn bu-

New video chat from EllieParker00

Accept or decline?

Obviously accept, so I clicked it.

'Hey!' Boomed a big loud cute English voice.

'Hi.' I responded not sure what to say..

'I hope you liked my letter and gifts, I wasn't sure what you wanted aha!' The English voice spoke.

'Its fine I love the presents, especially the top!'

'Wait a minute you can't see me, let me just sort out my webcam!'

I waited until all of a sudden a gorgeous English girl popped up on my screen. She had long dirty blonde hair that hang down loose to her stomach and she had sparkling hazel eyes that started into mine. A cute smile appeared on her face as she looked at me.

'Awh that's better! Oh yes your wearing the top too, heehee.'

Her laugh was so darn cute!

Snap outta it Nico, you only just met this girl.

'Yes it's err really comfortable'

I rushed out.

I looked down to the floor and blushed uncontrollably.

'Are you blushing Mr Nico Louis Liersch?'

Ellie's POV

Did he just blush at me? No of course not.. Really?

'Are you blushing Mr Nico Louis Liersch?' I blurted out but then quickly grabbed my mouth in embarrassment.

'Err maybe, but it wasn't you of course. It was sister she just walked in naked. No No No! I mean my err.. Mum just embarrassed me earlier today and I just thought back to that. Yeah that was it'

Erm ok, that was a bit weird.

'Haha ok. Oh and happy birthday by the way! Hope you had a great day' I smiled at him.

He blushed. What's going on?

'Thankyou, yeah I had a great day' He spoke softly, covering up his blush. It wasn't me causing that blush was it? No that was insane, this is Nico Liersch you are talking to! The amazing actor, hilarious 14 year old, boy of your dreams! Wait what..?

I smirked back at him 'well I have to go, my dads calling me for dinner. I hope we can talk again soon! Your seem really nice and cute erm no I mean friendly. Hope we can be friends'

He blushed. Stop doing that Nico Louis Liersch, it has a cute effect on me!

'Ok and yeah sure you too! And of course we can be friends, Skype me as soon as possible maybe?'

As soon as possible? Wait does that mean he likes me. No I mean he wants to be friends with me!?

'Yep sure! See you soon Nico Liersch, byee!'

'Bye, Ellie Parker' he grinned and I ended the call.

I was not just flirting with Nico Liersch and him flirting back was I?It couldn't have been. No that's stupid.

Nicos POV

I didn't mean to flirt with her, it just sort of came out. Oh my god, I just blew my chances. Wait I didn't want chances what the hell? Of course she's cute but I couldn't fall for her after one Skype call.

I fell asleep that night thinking about Ellie Parker. I'm so stupid...

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