Chapter Fourteen: 3 weeks? Urm no.

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Nico's POV

She likes me, She likes me? She likes me. The answer I had been hoping for all this time had somehow shocked me. Did I think she was gonna say no? I'm not sure, it never crossed my mind either way.

I had no idea of how to react. Happy seemed wrong but in the right way but upset felt right in the wrong way. It's weird I know. Don't take me wrong I was over the moon that she cared about me a lot, I was more than happy, I was thrilled! But somehow I felt upset that she liked me when we both knew we couldn't be together and that she had to stay in England with her dad. That's were she belonged.

I wasn't surprised that she ended the call so quickly, it must of been embarrassing for her to admit to her feelings but I did the horrible mistake of asking her what she would of said, I forced her into it, I put her in the wrong.

Quickly, I tried to call her back to make sure that it was ok and to tell her that the feelings were mutual. I tried three times but each time they were declined within the first few seconds. Crap, I had done bad. I decided to settle on a message to make sure everything was ok at least but before I could make a move, Ellie sent me a message.

EllieParker00: I'm sorry Nico, give me time.

Was she angry with me? Was she upset? I couldn't tell. Quickly I typed back a short message, hinting to her that I was fine with her response.

Nico.Liersch: That's fine Ellie, everything you said was fine :)

Hopefully she would come round soon. I mean I couldn't last a day without speaking to her so hopefully everything would be ok.

3 weeks later

It's been 3 weeks. So much for the 5 minute theory. I missed her, yes. Was I coping, no. It was hell! I tried to contact her at least 6 times a day, calling her Skype, messaging her Instagram but it was no use, she wouldn't reply. I was so stupid to do that, to convince her into telling me. If I had known that she would ignore me for 3 weeks, no way in a million years would I have let her go. I was getting fed up now. She wants to ignore me, fine ignore me. I don't need Ellie Parker by my side 24/7. I mean, there's other hot girls at my school and besides they actually live in Germany! What was I thinking, falling for an English girl who has nothing better to do but to stalk me. For goodness sake, how did I not see this coming. I had to forget about her, I had to.

'Mr Liersch, Mr Liersch? Please stop stamping your feet on the ground when I am trying to teach' my Professor informed me, breaking me from my day dream.
'Sorry sir, it won't happen again' I replied, rolling me eyes. I looked up at the clock. 2 minutes till lunch, awesome.

With my 2 minutes to spare I decided to scan the class, looking for some hot chick to help take my mind of of Ellie.
I looked to my left and saw Alana Wilson staring at me from the opposite side of the classroom. Ever since I made my appearance in The Book Thief, she hasn't left me alone. Alana was the same age as me (I think) with brown hair ALWAYS in a low ponytail and wore a retainer that she seems to be attached to, fiddling with it all the time. Gross. I sighed and looked to my right. Half the girls in my class were pretty cute but they were also taken so my luck had run out.

The bell rung so I stood up to pack my book bag. On my way out I passed the table of a girl I didn't recognize before so I stopped in my tracks. I span on the spot and looked down at her. I couldn't see her face at first but as she started to look up at me, all the air inside my body was knocked out. This girl was beautiful. She had highlighted blonde/brown hair just below her shoulders that swept over her face and she had the biggest brown eyes know to man. She wore braces on her teeth and dotted on her nose were a few cute little freckles.

'Urm Nico?' The girl whispered, confused at why I was staring at her.
'Hey, Hello sorry yes. Hi..Urm how do you know my name?' I asked politely.

'Im Rochelle, I've been in your chemistry class for about 4 months now. You borrowed my pen last week, remember?' Rochelle answered. No I didn't remember but what I wanted to know was why I had never payed full attention to this angelic girl before. Oh yes, now I know why because of Miss Ellie Parker.

'Im sorry I forgot. Urm are we friends?' Wow Nico, that was smooth. Rochelle giggled a cute sound, oh my gosh.

'Well not exactly. I was friends with Lucy, Ramins ex around six months ago when I arrived at this school but ever since they split up Lucy went of with some other group of boys and girls and Ramin obviously stayed with you but I just kind of wandered around, and still do, on my own' Rochelle spoke.

'Nico, Rochelle. Lunch bell rang 3 minutes ago, you should be out' Professor Wright, sternly said. I looked down at Rochelle and she looked back up at me with sparkles in her eyes.

'Ill walk you to lunch' I said to Rochelle who stood up in surprise.
'Ok, I'd like that' she said smiling.

At lunch I spoke to Rochelle loads. I got to know tones about her and we swapped Skype names and numbers. Luca pulled me to the side and asked whether everything was ok with me and Ellie, she knew I liked Ellie, but I just said Ellie who and carried on.

Later on I logged on Skype eager to chat to Rochelle. She was a really bright girl but was extremely cute too.

Rochelle_xox is online.

Great, my time to shine! I was about to send her a message when another notification popped up on my screen.

EllieParker00 would like to video chat.
Accept? Decline?

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. Unfortunately I don't have a excuse so you'll have to just forgive me. Anyway, I know Nico was kinda a jerk in this by ditching Ellie so easily but it will turn around sooner or later. I hope you enjoyed the twist to the story :)

Loving a Lierscher: A Nico Liersch FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now