Chapter 2: Meeting Straw Hat Luffy

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The next time you woke you were inside of a jail cell with bandages wrapped all around your head.

"I'm surprised you're still alive" said one of the guards, "It seems the admiral went a little overboard yet again and stomped on your head until your skull cracked open. Oops."

"Wha-what do you mean? What happened? Where am I? Who am I?" you asked confused.

The guard burst out laughing and said, "Dumb silly girl. This is what happens when you mess with the marines! The only information I'll give you is that your name is (Y/N), and your execution date is set for 2 days from now."

"EXECUTION DATE?? WHAT THE HELL I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I DID!!" you screamed now causing a massive headache to overcome you. You held your head in your hands trying to lessen the throbbing pain. 

"I wouldn't yell if I were you (Y/N). The damage to your brain is pretty serious. The doctors said you'll have permanent memory loss for the rest of your life. Well, the rest of the next two days that is." the guard said laughing and he started walking away.

'Don't freak out, don't freak out. Think (Y/N), think!' you said in your head. But the truth is you couldn't remember anything. The only information you knew was what the guard had just told you; your name and your execution date. Permanent memory loss sucks. It made you wonder what kind of life you lived, and if anyone is missing you right now. Lost deep in thought you hadn't even realized there was someone being tossed in the same cell as you.

You looked up and made eye contact with a laughing boy that was wearing a straw hat.

"Hi! I'm Luffy and I'm going to be King of the Pirates. What's your name?" Luffy asked.

You let out a soft giggle trying not to cause more pain to your head and said, "You sure seem a little over excited to be thrown in a jail cell Luffy. Nice to meet you from what I've been told my name is (Y/N), and my execution is in 2 days!" you said with a bit of a sarcastic tone.

"Whaaaa? What do you mean execution? What did you do (Y/N)?" Luffy asked.

"Honestly I have no idea. I wouldn't even know my own name if the guard didn't tell me. I guess I got in a fight with an admiral and he messed me up pretty bad causing permanent memory loss." You answered with sadness overtaking your throat.

"Hm... well sounds like you got some guts taking an admiral on yourself! Join my crew (Y/N)! What do you say?" Luffy said with the biggest smile on his face.

You thought for a moment. What could it hurt saying yes, you were going to be executed in 2 days anyways so might as well give into the fun while you still can.

"Sure why not, sounds like fun Captain." you said to Luffy.

Luffy let out a chuckle and said, "Welcome. I can't wait for you to meet everyone else, you're gonna love them!"

"Luffy you know in 2 days I'm going to be dead right? I'll only be able to meet you unfortunately. Tell everyone I said hi though!" You said playing with your thumbs awkwardly.

Luffy now broke out into a laughing fit.

"You're too funny (Y/N)! Stop you're gonna make me wheeze! You really are gonna fit right into the nakama!" Luffy said.

Confused, you said, "Luffy, why are you laughing? Is my execution funny to you? Is it funny that I'm gonna be dead? You're a real jerk, you know that?"

Luffy stopped laughing and looked at you and said in a serious tone, "(Y/N). Don't be dramatic, you're not going to die or be executed. The crew will be here tonight to break both of us out. As long as you're part of the crew nothing bad will happen to you, I promise."

"Wait really? You mean it? You're not just joking around right?" you ask as tears swell up in your eyes.

"Very serious. Now loosen up and relax, they will be here shortly to get us, then I'll have Sanji, my cook, cook us a delicious dinner with lots of meat!" Luffy said, laying down relaxing his arms behind his head.

You didn't have any words left to say to him. You were so happy and so grateful. The heavens must truly be on your side to put Luffy in the same cell as you. Perfect timing! You made your way to Luffy and gave him a big hug as a thank you, and you laid down next to him anxiously waiting to be rescued. Before you knew it you had closed your eyes and fell asleep.

A/N: I know this one is really short! That is not going to be the case for all the chapters, but I felt that for this one it was necessary. Please keep reading as I update, trust me it's gonna be good. xx anna

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