Chapter 4: A Heart-Broken Law!

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TimeSkip 2 days later:

Laws POV

It's been 2 days now since (Y/N) was taken from me. I knew she should've just come with me instead of leading the whole distraction by herself. How fucking dumb could I be? I let those marine pricks take her away from me! I'll never forgive myself if something happens to her. I will reek havoc on those fuckers lives if they even lay one finger on her. I wish I could've saved her then and there, but it would've been impossible. 3 admirals ended showing up for god knows what! They shouldn't even have known we were there until the fight started! Something surely wasn't adding up, I just didn't know what it could be. But I do know that I would've been dead if I had come to rescue (Y/N)-ya. Bepo thought it best we wait for things to cool down before heading back to get her, and I agreed. She should be fine after all, probably just put on hold in the jailcell there waiting to be transferred, and transfers take weeks! At this point though, I kind of wish I did because I miss her so much and I just want to hold her in my arms. 

I made my way to the deck, as the Polar Tang was still submerged above water. I placed my hands on the railing sighing, looking out at the sea.

"I'm sure she's gonna be alright, Captain. She's (Y/N) you know! She can handle anything thrown her way. She will figure something out...I'm sure of it!" Bepo said worriedly to me, placing a paw on my back.

Suddenly a bird from the news coo drops the latest paper on board. Shachi picked it up, reading through it and his mouth dropped open. I turned to him and said, "What is it Shachi? Spit it out already!"

He said nothing. I angrily walked towards him and snatched the paper from his hands. The headline of it was "Straw Hat Luffy escapes Marine fortress, and the hands of 3 admirals." Damn no wonder that place was loaded with Marines and admirals. That dumbass just has to be so obnoxious everywhere he goes. He's the reason (Y/N) got captured! Next time I see him, he's dead.

I kept reading through the article and my heart fucking sank. It read,

'Prisoner, (Y/N) of the Heart Pirates, captured for an unknown reason, is set to be executed today for the killing of many marines.'

Executed? They are going to kill my only true love? BASTARDS I WON'T LET THEM! Maybe if I can go back, I'll be just in time to be her night and shining armor. I'll save her, I have to no matter how many fucking admirals I have to face. I don't care anymore as long as I get her back safely. 


"Bu-but Captain we will be caught and all of our efforts for nothing" Bepo exclaimed.

I shoved the newspaper in his face, allowing to read it himself so he could get a gist of the situation.

"Oh no! Men get ready to submerge into the water. We are headed back to save (Y/N)! We have to make it quick though! In and out, I don't even want the marines to know we are there! If they find us out it can get very sticky very fast." Bepo said worriedly.

"Once we get there I will use my devil fruit ability and go by myself, undetected. I'll save her and bring her back as fast as I can" I said to the crew.

"Aye, aye Captain. Let's save our nakama, (Y/N)!" Penguin exclaimed.

We finally made it back to the marine base and I took off ready to save (Y/N)-ya. I have to be there before her execution, I just have to.

I made it inside the jail section of the base, and looked in every single cell and yet no (Y/N). I turned a corner to meet face to face with a guard. Maybe he will have answers and know where she is!

"There was a prisoner here. (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, yay high, beautiful... I'll ask you nicely one time and one time only. WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" I asked impatiently.

"Ohh. You mean (Y/N) right? Yeah she was executed this morning. You're about an hour late there buddy. Sucks to suck" the guard said, shrugging his shoulders.

No, no, no. This can't be right. Is (Y/N)-ya really dead? Was I really too late? Is this guy even telling the fucking truth?

"I'll ask one more time. Where is (Y/N)-ya?" I stammered.

"You're gonna get the same answer as the last. Your pretty little whore is dead, and I'd die saying it again" the guard stated.

I can't believe it. I don't even know what to think right now. I've lost the love of my life, (Y/N)-ya. This is all my fault, I'll never forgive myself. But I do know one thing I will make this whole place burn in fucking hell if it's the last thing I fucking do.

I then ripped the heart out of the smart mouthed guard, and crushed it right in front of him watching his lifeless body whither to the floor.

I transported myself back outside, snagging 4 highly explosive bombs on the way. I started their countdowns then threw them up in the air, "Room, Shambles!"

I transported all of the bombs within each of the main parts of the base, destroying most of it. I heard many screams from the cowardly marines that killed my sweet (Y/N)-ya. They are getting paid back for what they've done, and I know (Y/N)-ya would be proud if she was alive to see it herself. She fucking hated the marines!

I then transported myself back to the Polar Tang and let the crew know we had lost her, and were too late. Everyone broke down crying, me along with them. Nothing will be able to replace this hole in my heart, ever. Taking down that marine base was just part one of my 3 part revenge plan. The 2nd part, was to find the exact admiral that had beaten (Y/N)-ya, and torture him past the point of return. After that I would find that idiot Straw Hat, and kill him as it was his fault (Y/N)-ya got captured in the first place. If only he came to that base even a day later everything would be fine and how it should be. Nothing will ever be the same, not without my baby. I don't even know how I'm going to continue on without her by my side.

After many tears later with the crew, I found myself in my room rummaging through (Y/N)-ya's things. I will never get rid of them. I smelled her clothes, and they still had her sexy, sweet scent on them. Oh man am I gonna miss her, even her annoying attitude too. I'm gonna miss it all. I fell to the bed with one of her shirts clenched to my chest.

I was so exhausted and heartbroken I fell asleep within seconds, wishing that this was all just some sort of nightmare-but unfortunately it was the new reality for me. 

A/N: Okay fr, this is the last chapter for now that will be mainly focused on Law and the Heart Pirates! Zoro  and the Straw Hats here we come!!! xxanna

[Zoro x Reader] It's Always Been Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें