Chapter 8: Training starts to pay off

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Slight lemon warning..xxanna

You woke up the next day with the worst headache ever, and were soon regretting all of the sake you drank. Then you remembered what happened between you and Zoro as well, making the heat rise to your cheeks at the thought. Shit. Now you had to go and train with him face to face in about 10 minutes. You decided that you weren't going to mention anything from last night in an attempt to save the awkwardness.

You got dressed in some workout clothes, washed your face, brushed your teeth, and threw your hair in a messy bun then walked to the crows nest-dreading it for more than one reason. You open the door and see an already sweaty Zoro. You couldn't help but stare until he noticed you standing in the doorway.

"Jeez woman, you really do have a problem with staring huh?" Zoro asked with a grin.

"I-uh-no. Let's just get this over with" you said rolling your eyes.

The first thing you guys did was stretch, as it was important according to Zoro. You got up to your feet for the first workout. It was a few intermixed arm exercises that used dumbbells. You used a 40 pound weight (which was actually impressive), and of course Zoro being the beast he is, used ones that had to be at least 2 maybe 300 pounds. Wtf how is that even humanly possible?


"Zorooo my arms are burning! Can we move on to the next exercises pleaseee?" you asked flashing  puppy dog eyes

"Hmph. No. The burning means it's working. You only have a few reps left just push through it or you'll never get stronger" Zoro said sort of encouragingly.

You pouted your lower lip, but continued on finishing every single rep. You were proud of yourself and couldn't wait to see the results even a week from now. You then moved on to legs. The first exercise was a weighted squat with intervals of weighted lunges. You used a lot more weight with this one. Turns out your legs were stronger than you thought.

Once the burning sensation moved from your arms to your legs you knew the reps were almost over. Zoro then had you do various jump and duck workouts to improve your quickness and agility. He said that those skills are very helpful to have during a fight. 

The last thing the two of you did was run. You ran for 30 minutes, enjoying it very much actually. Running made you feel light on your feet and no intrusive thoughts could run through your mind since you were focusing on running and not stopping. You then sat on the ground to stretch out once again, and Zoro sat next to you.

That awkwardness you were so desperately trying to avoid quickly crept up behind you, and you're sure that Zoro felt it too as he wouldn't make eye contact with you or even try to spark a conversation.



You both said over each other at the same time.

"You go first," Zoro said, finally looking at you.

"Oh okay. I just wanted to make sure we are good, right? You know after last night? I don't want things to be weird..." you shyly asked.

"Yeah we're good. I was actually going to ask the same thing" Zoro replied.

"Okay good" you said.

"But I think we shouldn't do that again. Look you're a nice girl but I think the sake got the best of us last night. The only thing you should be focusing on right now is getting stronger, you don't need any distractions. What do you say? Friends?" Zoro said, holding his hand out as if he were waiting for you to shake it.

Something stung in your heart as he said that. You've developed these feelings for him the second you met him, and he knew that. Was everything he said last night really just the sake of talking? Was he really just trying to have a quick hookup with you? Whatever, you knew deep down he was right. You did want to get stronger before anything, even if you had to sacrifice your own feelings.

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