Chapter 6: Land at Last!

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"(Y/N)-SWANNNN WAKE UP DEAREST '' yelled an eager Sanji.

When you opened your eyes Sanji now had your hand in his grasp and placed a soft kiss on it. It wasn't weird though, even though you only saw Sanji as a friend, he was being a gentleman as usual.

"Morning Sanji. (Yawn) What's up why'd you wake me up?" you asked. You looked around and noticed that Robin and Nami were gone.

"Well we finally made it to the island! Everyone's gone except Franky, hes staying back to watch the ship. I thought it would be rude to leave you by yourself, so I let you sleep in a little longer." Sanji said.

"Aw that was sweet of you Sanji" you said blushing.

A trickle of blood drops from Sanji's nose-not again-and he quickly wipes it away.

"Today my dear (Y/N), I am your servant, and protector. You and I are going to go shopping to get you some things that you need. And don't even worry about the money situation I got you covered!" Sanji said happily.

"Are you sure? I'll pay you back I promise!" you say wide eyed.

"Yes, anything for you!" Sanji excitedly claimed.

You spring off the top bunk and give Sanji a huge hug. You were surprised he didn't get a nose bleed from that, he must've really been holding it in.

You and Sanji went to various shops in the island's main town. You found a lot of needed clothes, and Sanji bought them and carried the bags for you. He was following you around like a puppy dog, but you didn't mind it as Sanji was actually starting to grow on you a bit. You got a few more sets of clothes, a few bathing suits, and this sexy tight black dress that caught your eyes.

Once you felt like you've gotten enough clothes to last you a lifetime you turned to Sanji and said, "Thank you so much Sanji-san! You are like the big brother I've never had, though I could have one I just don't remember."

Sanji laughed at your obvious joke and said, "No problem. I'm glad you feel that way (Y/N)! Hey I'm kind of parched. Wanna stop at that vendor booth up there and grab a coffee?"

"Yeah actually coffee sounds like the perfect pick-me-up right now!" you replied.


Sanji ordered some kind of fancy latte that you had no idea how to pronounce, and you just got a large black iced coffee with 3 espresso shots added in it. (A/N: lol that's my irl coffee order).

After the much needed caffeine the two of you made your way back to the ship. Everyone was back and doing their own thing when you arrived.

"(Y/N)! I see you went shopping! I'll come with you and help you organize everything!!" an excited Nami said.

"I'll come too! I wanna see what you got!" Robin added.

Nami and Robin helped you organize everything and put it away. They both fell in love with the dress you got and begged to borrow it. You said yes but only after you've worn it first because you were saving it for something exciting!

"Yohohohoho" Brook said, opening the door to the room.

"Hey Brook what's up?" you asked.

"Well I was wondering if you got any new panties you would like show me from your shopping trip" Brook said.

Nami quickly hit him on the top of the head and screamed, "BROOK GET OUT IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE A PERVERT!"

"Yohohohoho-ouch! That hurt Nami! Anyways I really came here to tell you girls that dinner is just about done, so you better get to the kitchen quick before Luffy does." Brook said, scurrying out of the room holding his head.

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