The Apartment

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Sash was smiling slightly as he held my hand.  I was a bit weirded out but I didn't wanna make him feel bad.  I stayed quiet as he started off with another list of words I just didn't have the attention span to listen to.  Once again I found myself looking at his hair.  Long black box braids that went down to his shoulders.  I was just thinking of how long it must've taken for him to put those in.  And how he kept them so clean and shiny.

Before I knew it we were at his apartment, apparently his "Dorm" was an entire apartment with a kitchen and everything.  I was honestly impressed.  My dorm is just a small room I (thankfully) have to myself.

"Well this is my Dorm, well?  I guess it's more of an apartment huh?" Sash let go of my hand.

He opened the door to the place and I could see all the photography and art on the wall decorating the place.  I couldn't quite see what it was till I actually walked up to it.

"Oh uh, please don't be startled by the art, its just some inspiration"

I looked closer and saw it.  It was a bunch of figure drawings of people in leather, collars, and other types of revealing clothes.  The figures were beautiful but I could tell they weren't his drawings.

"Those are by Jakqeene, she's one of my favorite artists, I got into her work earlier this year.  Her figure paintings are my favorite." Sash went on and on talking about this art.  While I was just holding back giggles.

"Anyways, if you need anything like some drinks or snacks let me know, I got a whole 6 pack of beer if you want one."

Being the responsible 20 year old I am, I accepted.  I honestly was struggling to continue this social encounter, so I downed the beer pretty fast.

"Hehe, well I was gonna ask if you would wear an outfit that I have so I can draw you in it.  It could help me get my practice in."

Reluctantly I accepted, he didn't seem like he had any bad intentions, and the worst that could happen is I get embarrassed.  Not like I haven't been before.

Sash went into their room to grab the outfit and put it in the bathroom for me, so I thanked him before getting changed.

The outfit was a black latex one peice thing that was like a swimsuit for girls.  And then a thick choker with an O ring and a cat ear headband that was also black.  It honestly looked really cute and I didn't mind it.  Being amab though (assigned male at birth) my bulge kinda showed which made me a bit self conscious.  I didn't have a very big package let alone average.  It fact it was kinda small.

I walked out of the bathroom covering my small junk as I walked out to Sash.  He was in the kitchen preparing some snacks and drinking his beer when he saw me.  He nearly choked as he turned arround, spiting out some of his beer.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.
"N nothing, its perfect." He smiled as he set down the food to get his large sketchpad.

I didn't mind this, he was treating me really nice and wasn't making me feel uncomfortable at all.  I felt safe around him.

He told me to sit on the small sofa in his living room.  It was a white sofa that was actually really soft with fluffy white pillows that he took off for this occasion.

"Alright so just lay open and comftorbly, like this."  Sash did a pose on the other couch that was laying on the couch on his belly with his elbows bent, and his hands next to his waist.

I actually didn't mind this pose because it hid my junk.  I felt artsy and fancy being Sash's muse.  He spend a short half hour drawing.  The sound of his pencil dragging across the paper keeping me distracted from my own thoughts.

I was faced toward him the entire time, and I couldn't help but make soft glances at his body while he drew.  I saw his toned legs and arms.  Clearly he was still working out.  I felt so nice this way, and so appreciated.

He stood up and looked at me from behind me, this made me feel small and submissive.  I dont know why, but I was starting to get turned on. So I got up and tried to calm myself down after putting a pillow in front of my hard on.

"Your a really beautiful model, thankyou for this." He thanked me which made me blush.

"Alright you can change back now if you'd like, you can chill in my room also, I'm gonna cook some dinner." Sash said.

I gladly got up quickly and basically ran to the bathroom to get changed back into my normal clothes, I was getting way too hard in that one peice.  I by no means wanted to make Sash feel weird about having a little pervert in his home.

I honestly felt so bad, so I just went into his room like he said and kinda sat on the floor.  He had a few posters up and some stuffed animals on his neatly made bed.  It seemed like nothing was out of the ordinary, except for his sketchbook on his bedside drawers.  Bedside drawers normally hold all the secrets people keep to themselves in my experience. I couldn't stop looking over just thinking to myself.

I had to take a peek.  I couldn't stop myself. The curiosity was too strong.

When I did look, I imeadiatly regretted it.

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