Sash's Special Drawer

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As I slid the drawer open I was taken aback, not only were there MANY sketchbook pages of nsfw art ripped out of his sketchbook and neatly lined against the side of the drawer, but there were also an endless amount of toys.

Dildos, Floggers, Paddles, Gags, Ect. You name it he had it. I grabbed a page from the collection and looked. It was a thin short haired guy receiving a spanking with his breifs wedged up his ass. This gave me a little flashback of middle school and high school. My face flushed red.

I grabbed another. It was a drawing of the same boy but this time he was being kicked in his groin and had a tail plug and a similar pair of fluffy ears that he made me wear.

I heard him walking over to his room so I quickly put back the drawings and slid it shut as quietly as I could and pretended to be picking something up. When he walked in I was bent over with my ass in the air picking up a pen. I was so embarrassed.

"Hey you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Nah I'm fine!" I said panicked.

He saw right through me and chuckled a bit before saying, "Sorry for getting you all hot and bothered, if you dont wanna continue its okay"

"What?" I played dumb, but my blushing face said it all.

"I know you were hard before, thats why I said you should get changed, I figured you were uncomfortable at first from having to sit in the same position for half an hour haha."

I didnt know how to respond and I looked down and realized I didn't close the drawer all the way. He looked down at it.

"Oh..." He said walking over to me and making me back up into the wall as he kind of towered over me.

"So you like to snoop through other peoples stuff without their permission do you?"

I blushed deeply and felt shameful. I had breached his privacy, I felt so bad and embarrassed, and weirdly enough even more horny. -/////-

"Did you like them?"
My breathing catched as he asked me that. He has a smile on his face and his arm up over my shoulder pressed into the wall making me feel submissive again.

"Were both adults here. Tell me the truth, did you like them." He ordered me.

I could help but let out a, "y yes"

He moved away and laughed a bit. Before opening the drawer again to grab a handful of drawings.

"Take these, I want you to look at them in front of me, I wanna see the look you had on your face when you looked at my personal drawings."

I grabbed them and gulped before looking down. This one was more graphic, it was a guy with his hands tied behind his back as he received a frontal wedgie with someone's shoe pressed up against their face. This made me blush deeply and make my legs turn weak.

His eyes glared into me as I looked at the art he's made. I flipped through the drawings, each one worse than the last until it was a drawing of a cute looking emo boy, similar to me, getting a hand job while hanging from his underwear.

My cock was twitching for attention through my tightening jeans. It was then that Sash pressed his knee up into my groin softly and slowly.
"Ahh fuck"

"Your gonna love what I'm gonna do to you." He whispered in my ear.

I couldn't wait to be utterly dominated by this man.

(Please remember to leave a comment and a star if you wouldn't mind, it means the world to me that people are enjoying my stories)

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