Chapter 19 - Paved with Good Intentions

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I dragged myself to the shower, and in blisteringly hot water, I scrubbed my body roughly from head to toe, as if I could wash what I'd done from my skin and mind

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I dragged myself to the shower, and in blisteringly hot water, I scrubbed my body roughly from head to toe, as if I could wash what I'd done from my skin and mind. Dirty, unclean, and unworthy. Finally collapsing onto the hard surface, I cradled my abdomen and let the water wash away the salty tears pouring down my face.

Emotionally drained, I eventually turned off the water. With slow, exhausted movements, I dried and wrapped my body in a heavy tunic and leggings to cover everything to my wrists and ankles before even leaving the shower. In the kitchen, I forced myself to eat a meal despite the sick churning in my stomach. Too wrapped up in my misery and guilt, l didn't notice what I ate. Just that I did. Each bite was chewed and swallowed with all the mechanical enjoyment of an automaton. 

When my plate was empty and cleaned, I made my way to the bedroom, ignoring the door that had started chiming again. Pulling the pillow over my head in an effort to shut out the world, I tried to sleep.

Over and over, I repeated this cycle. Showering, scrubbing, crying, dressing, eating, and trying to sleep. All the while ignoring the chiming door that periodically announced itself.

Eventually, when I'd reached a state of numbness both emotionally and physically, I answered the door chime.

"Shannon? Are you ok?" Elatha asked, stark concern on his face.

"No, no, I'm not, but I need to ignore it for now and get home. I can't keep wallowing," I said in an unemotional, flat monotone. Beyond exhausted, I was getting more tired by the day. My headache was so excruciating, it hurt to open my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I've hurt you—."

I interrupted his apology, holding up a hand. A shaft of guilt speared through me, breaking the numbness I'd cultivated. This wasn't his fault or his responsibility.

"No Elatha. You didn't do anything wrong. These types of relationships are normal for your people. You aren't the one already in a committed, monogamous relationship. That's me. This is on me. I should not have returned your interest. I did. This is my responsibility, and I have to deal with the consequences." The words hurt, but I couldn't hide from them. I didn't have the energy to even try.

"I'm not sure what to say, Shannon."

"It's okay. I just need you to guide me to the tunnel to the surface waters," I replied, trying to keep my inner turmoil in check.

"I vowed to see you to your home or your mate. I'm not going to break that vow," Elatha said sternly.

My heart squeezed. I wanted to be away from the temptation of Prince Elatha, but he wasn't making it easy. Especially when I needed his help.

"Very well," I answered quietly. "I'm ready to leave."

Elatha opened the door, and I saw him in person again for the first time in days.

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