a mystery

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I wish this story was over, I wish I wouldn't go back to talking to him,so many things would have been different

We split up in 2019, and this is what happened in the time we didn't talk:

(Happening in middle 2020)

After our big fight my sister introduced me to a Chinese boy, I won't tell his name because for obvious reasons

He was a month younger than me, he was really nice and pretty, he was A+ student and his parents were teachers

They were very strict and were sending him to boarding school )this is normal in China)

We really bonded and I forgot about Ryan, we played truth or dare and I remember once I dared him to eat a clove of garlic

He didn't have garlic so he took ginger ahahahah

He sent me video as a proof, as revenge he told me to eat a chilli

Our bond was very innocent

It was the last night he was home, the next day he was leaving to the boarding school, I remember crying because he wasn't allowed his phone, he could only use it on holidays

That night we were chatting for the last time before his school and we clearly liked eachother so we  became a couple that day

How it happened was also a funny story, I was shy to ask him out so my sister came in handy

She asked him "so are you official now?" And he said yes, I was beyond happy, it was my first boyfriend

But alas, it didn't last long...

The next morning he got on the train and we talked all the way, when he reached he showed me his school and dorm room

Then we said our goodbyes and he went to school, he warned me that we wouldn't be able to talk everyday, I was ok with that

In a few days was some festival in China and they were supposed to have holidays and that's when we could talk

Time passes, the holiday rolls around but I get no message, I contact him and asked if something was wrong

I get no response, days fly by and I get a message from him saying that he couldn't contact me because his teacher took his phone away and he was messaging from his friend's phone

My heart filled with relief but not for long, he told me that the holidays were over and now he can't message me again

I said ok, what else could I do?

Weeks pass and I can't do this anymore, I can't live without communication with the person I'm in bond with

It was my birthday and I was sure that he'll find a way to atleast wish me, but no he didn't

Months pass and I considered us broken up now,

My heart was broken

I moved on but I was still wondering why didn't he message me

My mother says that probably it was because of his parents, they were strict after all

If only I knew what this was all about...

If only I knew...

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