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After not hearing from my long distance ex I moved on, we were on our separate ways now

It was now January 9, 2021 (yes I checked the date for you guys) I get a message on whatsapp

"Hey there" my heart dropped
"No way" I recognised his profile
"Yea I'm back"

I thought I blocked him on whatsapp, but I guess I just deleted the chat

"I watched Harry Potter last night" he knew how much I loved Harry Potter

Our conversation started again, I was happy but I couldn't act like nothing happened

I couldn't find the exact date but we both apologized to eachother, I think he was the first to come forward

Our conversation went on it felt like we went back in time but although he sent many hearts and kisses it felt dry

We were soon back on track with our video calls, I stayed up late at night for him because of our time difference

I just remembered how once on new year I don't remember what year, I called him to wish him, we were sitting and eating with my family

He didn't pick up a few times but then he did, he looked strange as I later found out he was drunk

He told me to wait for him, he said he will call me, it was 4 am and I was still up waiting for him, he never called

I was very upset

Anyways back to 2021, everything was ok for the first time but then he started to disappear

If only I knew that this wasn't going to ever change...

If only I knew...

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