cold shoulder

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He didn't even apologise that night, he just moved on and changed the topic

That night we said good night to eachother and went to sleep

New year
Ryan: "Happy New Year" 5:54 am
Me: "happy new year" 4:37 pm

I saw his message when he sent it but I decided to make him wait for me just like I waited for him for years

We didn't exchange a single message from that day, two months later...

February 13, 2022

Ryan: "hey, your new video is bomb"
I am also a youtuber along with my sister

February 15, 2022

Ryan: "can I call you in an hour?" 11:44 pm
Me: "today?"
Ryan: "yea"

I said ok because I had a holiday next day but in reality I wanted to talk to him, I missed him

February 16, 2022
Ryan: "are you asleep?" 12:25 am
Me: "no" 12:34 am
Ryan: "I'll call you tomorrow, I'm going to sleep now, good night" 1:41 am
Me: ok, I was already sleeping anyways 12:15 pm

I wasn't sleeping, I was so angry and upset that I did reply him although I saw his message, flashbacks of me waiting for him on new year stroke me and I pretended that I was already asleep

Now it was my turn to give him a cold shoulder, I wanted to see him struggling to get me back, I knew my worth and I for sure wasn't worth the behaviour I was getting

Ryan: "oh so good" 12:16 pm
Me: "obviously"
Ryan: him being the narcissistic he is "you couldn't wait for me so you fell asleep"
Me: "no I just wanted to sleep"
Ryan: "got it"

I couldn't deal with him anymore, I snapped and completely changed my behaviour towards him

Me: "oh yea and about you wanting to call me today, I don't think this will work out"
Ryan: "why?"
Me: "I have school tomorrow, I need to sleep, we could talk only during the day"
Ryan: "no I can't, I have classes"
Me: "too bad"
Ryan: "I don't care I'll call you now"
Me: "my phone is about to die"
Ryan: "I was joking..."

It made me very happy how he wanted to talk to me so badly

If only I knew that this isn't going to last even a day...

If only I knew...

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