not official

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It was the summer of 2021, I met a Columbian boy, you might be reading this right now ahhah but I hope you're not

When we first met I told him he had nice voice, things between us moved really fast, we talked for a little and he asked if I want to be his girlfriend for a week

I found it strange but thought "what if he's just shy" and I agreed

I liked him and we had alot of fun together, we laughed at everything and he had 6 packs eheheh

He was a little older than me, a football player and an absolute prince charming

It's been like three days since we were a couple and he made a very bad joke towards my sister, he said something like "you and your sister could date me"

My sister was offended, she was in a relationship at that time, I stand on my sister's side and tell him not to act that way

His answer was that it's his humour, but I don't understand this type of humour

He apologized to my sister and we were all good again

I was still talking to Ryan at that time and I don't know why but it felt like I was cheating on him

Then one day when I was talking to Ryan I told him that I dated someone, his reaction was something like "uh oh" "it's ok we are not an official couple yet"

I was a little taken aback with "official" but I said "yea"

If only I knew what he meant by "we are not official yet"...

If only I knew...

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