Krispy Kreme Donuts

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"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO PACK!" I was in a dilemma and I had a plane to catch tomorrow morning. 

"What's wrong hun?!" My Dad comes running through the door. 

"I've packed my underwear, bras and socks but now I don't know what clothes to bring" I sit at my two suitcases which lay open in front of me. 

"Okay well, let me help you out here" He walks over to my closet and pulls out all of the things that I could build many outfits out of and a few formal items, if we ever decide to go somewhere fancy, "Now these are the things you can wear on a regular basis" Dad waves his hand over the stacks of clothes, "And these are the things you can wear when you guys decide to do something a little more formal" He waves his hand over the clothes that were laying on my bed. 

The perks of having a gay Dad was that they could pick out your outifts for you logically, "What would I do without you Dad?!" I stand up from the floor and give him a warm hug. 

"I'm going to miss you so much, but just promise me that no matter what happens to them, or even if you end up getting discovered while you're over there, stay true to who you are" He holds out his pinky, implying for me to pinky swear.

"I promise" Our pinkies hook together, "Make sure that you stay safe while I'm not here, Max and Tori will be here if you need any help and if you're feeling too lonely or bored, call me and I'll be on the first flight back" 

"That won't be necessary sweetie, I've got enough work to do to occupy me until I'm rolling around in my grave" He laughs. 

"I love you Dad" I pull him in for another hug. 

"I love you too" He squeezes me tightly, "Now let's start actually properly packing your suitcase" 

"Sir yes sir!" I salute him before we resume back to packing. 


This was it. Today is the day, I go to London for 6 whole months. I peel the covers off of me and hop into the shower. I don't even know why I went to sleep last night, I mean I had to wake up at midnight anyway so it didn't really make sense. 

I step out of the shower into a room of steam, I dry myself off with a towel and throw on my navy blue robe, ever since the day i walked out practically naked in front of Calum I've always put on my robe before walking out of my bathroom. 

I had laid out my outfit for the trip on my FINALLY neat study desk, before I went to sleep so I wouldn't have to stress out. I slip on my loose denim button up, oatmeal knitted jumper and my black skinny jeans. I got out my thickest pair of socks and slipped them on before putting on my light grey converse. I packed a lot of shoulder bags and backpacks into my suitcase leaving out my shark detailed backpack, where I stuff in an olive coloured anorak, the thickest pair of gloves I owned, earphones, a 1000 pack of black bobby pins, a tonne of hair ties, wallet and my lipbalm. I had already packed my chargers in my suitcases. *EXTERNAL LINK*

All I had to do now was wait for Xavier to come and pick me up. I sling the backpack over my left shoulder (suitcases were outside) and walk out to the kitchen to see my Dad silently sobbing, I already felt the tears starting up in my eyes. 

"Dad" I run over to him and bury my head in his chest, letting myself cry in his arms. 

"Come on baby, you're a big girl now, you shouldn't have to be crying over this" My Dad was trying to stay strong for me but I knew what he really wanted to do was just cry over his cup of coffee. 

"I-I know, I don't know what I'm going to do without you" Tears were pouring from my eyes and weren't stopping any time soon. 

"You'll be fine over there, I trust Calum with everything and I know he will take care of you, don't worry I'll pop in from time to time, I'll call you everyday and I slipped a few of my special recipes into your music books if you missed my cooking" Dad smiles, his eyes were red and watery. 

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