2. I've Just Seen A Face

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Chapter Soundtrack
I've Just seen a Face - Ludella Black
My Way Of Life - Frank Sinatra
Who is She - I Monster
I wanna Be Yours - Artic Monkey

The fire alarm bells started blaring above your heads, as the booming voice spoke again. "Jake, you need to take the bracelet and go." He shook his head and bellowed out behind the two of you, as he held onto your hand tightly. "She's coming with me." He weaved you in and out of the cluster of people trying to exit the building.

The two of you slipped out with a group, and Jake tugged you towards the alleyway. You barely caught your breath before Jake threw you in beside him in the car. You slid to the passenger side of the English town car. Trying to regain your composure, he put his arm behind you, pulling you to the middle of the bucket seat, right beside him. He almost tucked you in beside him tight.

"There ya go love." He took off his kip, and slid a hand through his dark black curls as he thrust the car into drive. He pulled out of the alley, and into the lull of traffic. You looked up at his chiseled jaw. His scruff lined his chin and went lightly down his throat. Your gaze found his Adam's apple as it bobbed slightly. Your eyes went back to his lips, as they upturned. Your eyes traveled across his mouth to the bridge of his nose. The slightly broken bend, held a that rough looking bandage. Instead of making you uneasy, he looked roguish. Like a bandit from a romance novel. The longing to reach out and touch it was almost too much to bear.

Instead, you found his eyes. The golden flecks swirled around the dark irises. The were looking down at you. Taking you in. His eyes were burning a hole deep in your soul. You felt a warmth deep inside your belly, and you shifted towards the passenger side of the town car. "Excuse me, May I ask where you're taking me. Jake, was it?" He nodded curtly as he pulled his arm from around you. He leaned forward and opened the glove box and rifled quickly through it. His arm bumping into your bare knee, as he found a toothpick, and slamming the door shut.

"I quit smoking about a week ago. Trying to find that damn bracelet, has me questioning why I did." He stuck the toothpick in between his teeth and knocked into your knee, giving it a small glance before returning to the wheel and exiting towards an off ramp. You looked down at your knee and felt heat go across your cheeks. You felt his fingertips still on your skin. The need of wanting his hands on your body like the small touch on your knee was all that consumed your mind. Your mind wondered how bad his hands would burn on your thighs. You looked out the window to try and regain some composure as you made your brain race for a moral thought.

"So, you've called me love several times. Do you know my name?" You absentmindedly pulled at the hem of your dress, looking at the black threads coming off. You looked up at him, and caught his gaze at your fingers at your bare thighs. His breathing was shallow, as he let out a deep laugh. He pulled his focus to the road again and gripped the steering wheel tightly. His bruised knuckles changed from the purple you had grown accustomed to, to bright white. "I've watched you for two months. Since your birthday." He patted his chest pocket that housed the gold bangle. "Since you received this beauty and you placed it on your pretty little wrist. I watched you get your morning coffee, sit through your lectures, go to the museum dozens of times. I was in the restaurant when you went on a date the other night." He looked over at you. He watched as your mouth fell open, your stomach beginning to tie in knots. "I know your name. I know you, love."

Jake turned his face back to the road. You weren't sure if him watching you was a good thing or bad thing at the moment. You did however you weren't going to be stalked lightly. You turned toward him, and let out a breath. "You followed me? You watched me, everywhere?" The realization of him being alone with you in the shower, made you uneasy. A slight whisper came out of your mouth. "Were you ever in my apartment? With me?"

His eyes raked over you. You watched as his expression changed. Almost as if he was thinking about how to answer. His focus turned back to the road, and he nodded curtly. Anger rolled through your body. Someone you didn't know, had came into your home, seen your things, seen you. Who knows what he had observed. Any attraction dissipated as you began thinking of your escape. He was driving too fast down the highway to roll out of the car. You decided as soon as he stopped you would run.

Jakes POV

He watched you practically glue yourself against the door of the car. You had gone completely silent. He had glanced over a few times, trying to gauge your thoughts, but you stared stright out the window. He knew answering you would close any emotion you had previously felt. He also knew you. He knew you would change your mind. He didn't lie to you. Jake had watched you for months. He had begun his mission with a command from the God Khonshu.

Jake was alone, like usual when the voice he had grown accustomed to droned out the command to find the bracelet. He started looking at the museum first. Knowing that the previous Egyptian selection was small, he could eliminate there first. His hat was drawn low, down on his brow and a dark jacket hanging off his frame. That's when he saw you. Smiling and laughing with the other patrons at the exhibit. You were showing them the new artifacts and telling them the history of each piece.

Your laugh erupted through the whole area, drawing people over to you. Him included. He weaved in through the crowd, hoping to glance at you as you had your mini history lesson. Your eyes beamed as you spoke about the things you obviously loved. He watched as children spoke up and you talked to them on their level. Showing them things only a child at that level could see.

He listened as you read the hieroglyphics easily and told the story on the giant clay slab. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, as the lull of your voice calmed his usual ill mood. He felt his face relax, and his shoulders fell, as the rhythm of your words gave him peace.

As his eyes almost drifted shut, he heard you stop. The crowd started to disperse and you gathered your bags. He memorized your face as he turned the opposite direction. You were a nice distraction but he had a voice in his ear telling him to hurry the fuck up.

He weaved in and out of the hallways with ease, not seeing the goddess Hathor's bracelet. The bracelet was wide and intricately and delicately melded with gold in the crease.  The thick gold bangle clasped at the edges and was adorned with blue and red paint. In the center was Hathor, goddess of love carrying a staff made of papyrus.

He slipped into the back archives. He searched offices and filing cabinets not finding anything of important. Hours spent in the musty, dust filled boxes had him coming up empty handed. He checked his watch and saw the museum was going to close soon. Standing up he dusted off his knees and heard the voice that he had grown to dislike. "Jake, the records have to be here. Keep searching."

Jake shook his head as he headed towards the door. "Tomorrow. I need sleep." He mumbled, as he snuck out into the crowd. Returning to the coming soon poster of the Egyptian area, he scanned the new editions, and saw no trace of the jewelry that he was instructed to find. Instead he found you again. Walking along the cases, your fingers traced the seams of the cases. Slowly tapping the glasses and making mental notes on all of the items. You checked your wrist and turned quickly to leave.

Jake watched you go and weaved in and out the crowd, until your head slowly disappeared from view. He thought about following you but his job needed to be done. He had no clue that, that day was your birthday and was racing off to your birthday party where you would receive the bracelet from your coworker.

Hi! Meg here! How are you liking this little story so far?! My goal is to have this be a fun short read but something to make you drool over since we have no clue how they're going to portray Jake! So enjoy! Comment, message, like it up!! I would love to get feedback!!! Love you guys!!

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