3. Pink Neon Lights + Inky Black Hair

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Your Teeth in My Neck - Kali Uches
Love On The Brain - Rihanna
My Axe - ICP

Jake slowed the car into a parking spot. The bright pink neon lights of the diner glowed bright against your face as you realized you must've fallen asleep against the window. Sitting up silently, you slowly looked over at the driver's seat. Seeing the man who abducted you in pink hues made him look less menacing. Or maybe it was because his face was softer and was smiling at you. He looked different. Like he was happy. He extended his hand, and gave a small chuckle. "Hiya. My name's Steven. I'm so sorry you've gotten all caught up in this nonsense. You've met Khonshu and Jake. Both are grumps really. We were on the hunt for this bracelet all the way back in London and somehow we ended up here." His London accent was light and happy. He leaned closer into you, and let out a cheerful whisper. "I know you're confused, but you hold the key, I believe for,"

"Shut up idiot!" A large voice boomed around them in the stationary vehicle. "We can't trust her. She has had her hand on the door handle the whole time."

You looked down at your palm. It was indeed resting on the pull, ready to make your escape. Steven smiled, settling back into his seat. His face changed and he shuddered. His gaze went back to you and he smiled. He spoke with a casual American accent with a polite smile. "Don't pay any attention to Khonshu. He is a dick. Jake is coming back. Give the ole boy a chance, would ya?"

He gripped the steering wheel tightly, and shuddered once more. His bright eyes narrowed into dark chocolate orbs that slithered across the dash and scanned you. He looked at your hand that was easing back up to the handle. "I hope you didn't mind entertaining Steven or Marc for a bit while I rested." His vision went to your face. It watched your face contort to try and figure out what was going on. "Let's go in and eat a bite, love."

Jake leaned over slowly, inches away from your face. His breath was even and steady. His nose brushed against your cheek as his arm came in between you both. Jake's eyes floated across your lips, as you bit your bottom lip. Your teeth sinking into your flesh as you felt the heat from him glide across your body. You heard a click, and realized he had just come over to unlock the door. Your eyes widened in embarrassment.

What the fuck is wrong with you, you thought. You wanted him to kiss you. Wanted him to bite your lips, bite your neck until you screamed.

As if he heard your thoughts, he let go of the door, and put his face closer to yours. "We don't have to go inside and eat, love. I think I could have my fill here if you'd like." His lips came to her throat, and let his tongue slowly glide across your artery. He let out a growl that tattered against your sweat coated skin. "And love, you would very much like everything I could do to you."

You felt your eyes roll back in your head, as it fell backwards against the headrest. You felt your body move forward into him as his hands went to your waist, unclasping the seat belt. His fingers came around your neck, pulling your face closer into his embrace. Your hand grabbed the door handle. As much as you saw this as your opportunity to escape your body wouldn't move. You let his lips suck your skin. You let his fingers pull your head back, tangling into your hair. The neon light making you forget that he was your captor as his mouth raced your jawline. Slowly making its way up to your waiting lips.

He let his mouth graze over the top of yours. He placed a small kiss against you. Pulling your face up to him, he let his kiss deepen as he heard you let a moan escape. That was all he needed. He bit your bottom lip. The same one you'd been biting every time he looked at you. You felt the sting of pain as he released his teeth. Lighting your soul on fire when his tongue gently licked the pain away, he kissed you again.

Knight Fall { MoonKnight AU x Y/N}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat