6. Stairs Of The MET

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Hey my Lovelies. I really struggled writing this chapter. As you could probably tell by my five month hiatus... I apologize. Life, etc. But I am back. Lets have more Jake/Steven/Marc and their Love!!
Oscar Isaac is a Guatemalan-American actor and Jake Lockley is a proud Latino who that speaks Spanish, and I want him to speak Spanish. So, I want to start introducing more Spanish in my work and bring more phrases and expressions. If I get anything incorrect PLEASE CORRECT ME! I'm learning as I go also. Get ready because he will be very vocal during more "intense/intimate" scenes. I'm going to be using several phrases in Spanish. If you'd like me to use guide words, I'll put them at the end! Thank you guys for being patient! Also, As always I appreciate you so much! Thanks for reading and voting! And Andrew's face credit (Ra's avatar) is Timotheè Chalamet!! I'm case you forgot! Next chapter is intense! Soooo, you may want to hold out! *no spoilers!* 

Chapter Soundtrack:
Devils Playground- The Rigs
Dark in my Imagination- of Verona
Ascending Heaven- Asyndeton
Movement - Hozier

Andrew sat low on his motorcycle, pulling his wrists back tightly as he slowed the bike down. His helmet blended into the background. Sleek and black. Under the visor he wore his usual smirk. He rubbed his palm over his leather jacket pocket. It would be hard to leave for Egypt when he had your passport. Sneaking in was easy. He knew Jake's movements. Had watched him. Knew when he went to the roof, a fight between Marc, and Jake would break out. That was his way in. A distraction. You hadn't heard him come in. Hadn't seen him as he silently rifled through the bag and found your passport and your ticket from New York

to Egypt.

He had slipped back into the day unnoticed, and unbothered. New York was where you were going to stay. That's where Ra had wanted you. So that's where you'd be. Hathor's ushabti was sitting at the MET in the Goddess Exhibit. Standing beside Ra, as his bride. And you would be with him.

Andrew had watched from the shadow of the hotel sign, as Jake packed you into the stolen car, and peel out of the vintage motel into the afternoon. He waited until he saw the car disappear around the curve until he swung his long leg over and walked over to the now vacant room. You had cleaned the suite until it shined. Even leaving the room spotless. He smiled to himself.

Like Jake, he had watched you. And he had wanted you since he laid his eyes on you. He craved your curves. From the beginning when Ra asked for the bracelet. It always lead to you. Andrew had influenced your friend to take the bracelet. Stealing it for you. You hadn't known it was a real relic. A priceless treasure Ra needed. And only you were the key.

Andrew flipped through the magazine left on the nightstand. Jake wouldn't have left anything important behind. Andrew picked his helmet up off the bed. Opening the door to the hotel, he stepped into the sun. He would make the hour and a half ride to New York City.


"I don't understand. I placed it down in the side pocket." Jake had thrown everything out of the suitcase and into the seat of the car. Clothes filled the backseat as he muttered curse words under his breath. You stared ahead out into the parking garage. The dark corners of the deck made you queasy. Like someone was watching you and you couldn't find them. The plane to Egypt left in ten minutes. There was no way you'd make it. And you didn't know how to feel. Why were you going to Egypt in the first place. You hadn't said you would be anyone's anything.

"Jake, we aren't going to make it." You softly whispered as his curses stopped. He looked to the front seat where you sat still squinting your eyes against the darkness. He shuffled his knees off the seat, and stood up. His hands ripped off his hat and ran through his hair. "Meirda!" He exclaimed, echoing his curse off the walls. He slammed his fists on the roof of the car, with a loud thud that sent echoes through the vacant garage level. The sound made you jump. You pulled the handle open and got out. Frustrated, you slammed the car door and began to walk away. "If your going to kidnap someone and take them to another country, you need to make sure you get their fucking passport."

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