5. Magic Fingers

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Chapter Soundtrack
Me Mata - DJ Luian
Dark times - Ed Sheeren, The Weekend
Love Is A Bitch- Two Feet

"Get up Jake. You have work to do." The voice of Khonshu rang in his head. He had been trying his damndest to ignore the God for the past few hours. He was late to have a chat with his "friend".  Jake looked at the clock on the nightstand. It glowed bright green with the time reading before noon. In three hours he had made you come four times. He had begun to learn what you liked, and how your face changed when you were about to give him everything. You curled your arm around his chest, tucking your face into his bare skin. Mewing like a kitten, you had finally dozed off after collapsing next to him. He had fucked women, but there was something about you.

He slowly sat up, not wanting to disturb you too much. You squeezed the pillow tightly and rolled to the other side. Hathor's bracelet resting on your wrist. It's brass, gold shined against the white pillowcase. He pulled the sheet up into your back. He watched your skin prickle with the cool fabric on your bare skin.

Jake squinted at the bracelet again. He fought his thought of taking it off of you and placing it in his coat. Deciding against it, he slid his trousers up over his hips, and tossed on his black tee. Looking around the ground, he tried finding his cap. 'You tossed it off around the bathroom', he thought as he kicked his foot around the dark. He wouldn't dare turn on the light and wake you. You needed a few hours of sleep before he fucked you again and jumped on the eleven hour flight.

He spotted it peeking out under your dress, along with his boots. Grabbing both items, he ran his hand through his black hair. He pulled his hat down on his head, and stepped towards the door. A few minutes alone with the boss and he could come back. To you.

Turning the knob, he creaked the door ajar. Glancing back at your naked back, with your arms draped across the pillows, he felt a prick in his chest. Jake pursed his lips, hating this emotion. Hating himself for caring about someone. That was Steven and Marc. Pulling his cap down to his eyes, he walked through the door, and into the sun.

"Well, look who decided to join the group. Did you have fun with your new toy, Jake?" Khonshu asked from his perch on the top of the motel. Jake walked to the edge of the sidewalk and lifted his arms to the edge of the roof. Pulling himself up, his hands gripped the stucco, hard. His shoulder flexed under his leather layers, as he got ready to pull his large body over the edge. With one fluid movement, Jake launched himself over the edge, effortlessly. His foot caught the sandy roof quickly. He brushed off the dirt that he had loosened and straightened his back, reaching in his pocket for a cigarette. Lighting it quickly, he stalked over to his benefactor. Tugging his cap down low, the smoke puffed out from underneath the brim.

Khonshu stood tall against the mid morning sun. His withered cloth that ran along the length of his tall leg, whipped around in the breeze. Jake always felt equal to him. He was the one that Khonshu really wanted after all. Marc was the mercenary. The one that felt guilt about all the death. Steven was, well Steven was Steven. The quiet and calm and ever loving. And Jake just liked the thrill and the chase of killing. The way his knives sliced through skin. The way the warm blood rushed over his finger tips. Jack even liked the jolt of being hit back. He had his nose broken countless times. Each time he pushed it back into place with a sudden grunt. The pleasure he felt as the pain flooded his body gave him instant relief.

He took a drag out of his cigarette and blew out the smoke calmly. An exaggerated cough sounded behind him. "I really wish you would stop smoking Jake. You know it's not good for you." Jake felt Steven come through in his mind. He rolled his eyes, and took another puff. "Steven is right. You're going to kill us." Marc spoke, as forcibly tossed the cigarette down. Stomping it out aggressively with the toe of Jake's boot.

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