4. Wearing Only Hathor's Bracelet

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Black Out Days - Phantagram
Ghosting - Mother Mother
Oxytocin - Billie Eilish
Sweet Dreams - Emily Browning
Enta - DJ Kaboo

Jake swung the car into a parking lot after what felt like you'd been driving for hours. The Dusk Motel was dark and grimey, but had an semi empty lot. Something that was appealing to Jake. His casualty count was steadily rising and he couldn't morally take any more lives. So the emptier the better in his eyes. No unnecessary kills.

Returning to the car he opened your door, and helped you out. Walking in silence, he led you to a room and opened the door.
He had gotten a single room for the two of you. Opening the door, the smell of must and old filled your nose. Jake walked you in and tossed the key on the small false laminate wood table. He turned towards you and gave you a forced small smile. "I'll um, see you soon." He whispered softly as he slammed the door, leaving you alone.

Looking around, you took in your surroundings. The room was stale with faded dark pale comforter on the full size bed. On the mantle was a box with a coin slot. A relic from the 1950s, and many honeymoons you supposed. The table in the middle of the room held a boxed television set with the knobs for changing channels. You lowered your head and blew off decades of dust. Your eyes scanned to a small closet near the back of the room. You placed your purse on the bed and made your way to the door.

You opened it slowly and felt the wall for the light switch. Spiderwebs covered your fingertips, as you let out a grimace. Clicking on the light, the yellow hue cascaded across the small room, A once white, now brown dingey clawfoot bathtub sat against a yellow, floral, wallpapered wall. A small shallow sink stood across and the bowl was scaled with years of dried soap. You grimaced at the thought of trying to get clean in a place that needed to be deep cleaned itself.

You clicked off the light and went back to the room. The thought of sleeping in a dirty place was almost as bad as taking a bath. Both of which you wanted to do. Taking the key off the table, you walked out the door into the cool night. You gazed up at the manager on duty sign and made your way over to the office.

The air tonight felt heavy. Like a dark thickness was covering the world around you. Walking along the sidewalk, you felt eyes on you. Passing by the windows of the other rooms, you took notice of which rooms empty and occupied. The darkness of the empty rooms seemed like a void. Bleak. The few rooms that had people, had their curtains drawn tightly against the lit up window. The silhouettes danced through the lamplight. The tunes of different stations playing in their rooms.

You reached the end of the concrete and you stepped towards the door. The jingle of the bell above the window sounded loudly above your head. Stepping through the threshold, it felt like walking into a time capsule. The Marlboro Lights, bright red sign flashed wildly against a cigarette dispenser. Your eyes raked over the old sofa, and bar and found it empty. You grimaced at the thought of the discolorations behind the paintings hanging on the wall. This place was probably busy and now, smoke stains have colored this room shades darker and left the atmosphere bleak.

"Hello?" You asked the desolate room softly, reaching slowly for the brass bell. You tapped the knob on the top and set off a shrill sound that filled your ears. A gray whiskered dog came bumbling out in front of a small elderly man with a cane.

He gave you a curious look after placing his glasses further up on his nose. "You don't look like the usual clientele we have here. You look sophisticated." His eyes took in your wrinkled suit that you'd had on for a few days. Feeling his judgment, you placed your palms on your thighs and tried to stretch out the day old wrinkles. Clearing your throat, you decided to push back. The motel may be old and he may be ancient, but that was not an excuse to clean the rooms. "If by sophisticated, you mean I want to sleep in a clean room and take a bath, not in someone's filth, you're correct. Seeing as you probably do not have cleaning service, I'll take whatever cleaning supplies you have to adequately clean my room, thank you."

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