𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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After what happened Ron, Sam and Bobby went to sign some papers and I was walking around the Camaro.

"You are pretty car..." I murmured and I put my hand over it hood. I dragged my fingers on the black stripes.

I went to sit on the passanger seat already to wait for Sam. I sank deeper into the seat and I waited Sam and it took forever to sign few papers.

I closed my eyes for a while and then it suddenly felt like the car shivered.

"The heck?" I murmured to myself and I looked around and I held from the seat.

"Hell yeah!" Sam said and barged inside the car.

Sam started the car and I rolled the passanger side window open and I waved to Bobby and Ron who were watching us.

We turned the radio on and it was the best feeling for a long time... We sang the whole way back home and I hopped outside and ran inside the house.

"We're home!" I yelled and waited Judy to responde to me but I think she didn't hear me or she wasn't home.

I headed straight to the shower and that's one of the places where I can be alone and think my thoughts througly.

After while I dressed up and I was walking inside of  Sam's room while drying my hair with the towel.

"All right, I got the car. Now I need the girl." Sam said and walked past me inside of his room.

"So you need need the girl or just need the girl? Wait, I don't wanna know..." I paused him.

"Very funny, Y/n." Sam said and sat on his chair and looked at his eBay account on the screen of his computer.

"I need money to take out the girl is what I need." He said and looked the old eye glasses.

"Well, with that username you can say adíos to your girls... LadiesMan217, like seriously?" I looked the screen and leaned closer to the screen.

"Could you stop? Even once you could support me?" Sam asked

"Hey? I'm supporting you... And i've always done that so don't try." I looked at him and pocked his forehead.

"Zero bits.. Great. Broke..." He said and stood up and started walking towards Mojo.

"Come on, Mojo. You want your pain pills?" Sam asked from Mojo and Mojo walked next to Sam.

I sat on the chair where Sam sat just while ago and I crossed my arms over my chest and looked the laptop screen and the classes. I'm surprised that nobody even some nerd doesn't want these like I asked from Sam if he could give those glasses to me but he said no if I don't pay to him.

"Good. What's up? Nothing. You know, just driving my car. Driving my car." Sam was saying hit up lines and I didn't even bother to say anything anymore.

"It's like a clockwork. All right. I know you get wasted on these things, but if you piss on my bed again, you're sleeping on Y/n's bed... okay?" Sam said to Mojo and fed him the pain pill.

"I'm not that bad..." I said raising my hand up.

"Uh-huh? You remember when you kicked me out of the bed and when you almost choked Mojo?" Sam asked next to Mojo.

"Well, it was back then but nowadays I sleep like dead." I said proudly.

"Yeah sure." Sam started "That's it for today. No more. Crackhead." Sam said to Mojo.

"I think I need a nap.." I said and stretched my arms over my head.

"Nah. You're coming with me." Sam said while standing in front of his door.

"To where?" I asked confused.

"To the lake party." Sam continued.

"Why? Can't you go alone?" I asked

"I promised to Miles that you're coming." Sam said.

"What?!!" I yelled and jumped up.

"You did what?!" I asked and walked closer to him.

"So let's go.." Sam said and started walking downstairs.

"Sam! Don't cut the conversation! Why did you promise to Miles?! Anybody else but not him." I raised my voice while following him outside.

"You don't even need to talk to him..." Sam said and we walked on the grass.

"I'm gonna punch him if he even looks at me..." I yelped.

"Sam, Y/n.." Ron started

"What?" We asked in sync

"I do not like footprints on my grass." Ron said.

We stopped and looked around.

"What foot... There's no footprints." Sam argued playfully back.

"That's why I built my path. So why don't you two go from my grass onto my path? Okay?" Ron said

I took big step and I jumped onto the path.

"It's just grass.." I said

"It's family grass, Dad." Sam said after me.

"Well, when you two own your own grass, you'll understand." Ron said pointing at us.

"This... I can't do it anymore. You're putting girl jewerly on a boy dog. He's hot enough self-esteem issues as a Chihuahua, Mom" Sam said to Judy.

"That's his bling." Judy said

"I think he looks cute but I understand the Chihuahua part..." I said and laughed.

"Come on Y/n." Sam said to me while walking towards the car.

"I want you two home at 11:00!" Judy yelled to us.

"Yeah, yeah!" I said.

"11:00!" Ron yelled

"Please, for the love of God, drive safely." Judy yelled

"Seat belt on!" Ron yelled

"Hurry! Go!" I whispered loudly to Sam because now it was too much. I loved how someone cared and that i'm part of their family but sometimes Ron and Judy are too you know... too caring.

We drove and we made another path to the beach because we needed to pick up Miles.

"Look at his stupid ass... How he's smiling... He was trying to attack on me today at school but i escaped." I murmured and crossed my arms.

"C'mon Y/n, I know he's a jerk sometimes but he really likes you." Sam said to me.

"Yeah ,well I don't like him and there's never a day when you're seeing me and him together. Never!" I said and then Sam stopped infront of Miles who lowered himself to look inside the car.

"Hop in." Sam said and then they started looking at me.

"What? Yeah, no way. I'm not sitting on the backseat..." I said.

"Then you need to sit on my lap..." Miles tried to hit his pickup line and that was the moment when I was already going to the backseat.

Miles opened the door and sit on the seat and then he looked at me.

"You know Y/n.. Maybe we could." He started.

"Stop! I swear to god i'm gonna shove my foot up in your ass if you don't stop talking." I yelped and i aggressively pushed his face away.

The whole way to the lake was torturing. Not just the summer heat but Miles who was complaining all the time.

"Dude, are you sure we're invited to this party?" Miles asked

"Of course, Miles. It's a lake. Public property." Sam said to him.

"Oh, my god." Sam said.

"Oh, my god." I said but annoyed voice tone.

"Oh, my god. Mikaela's here. Just don't do anything weird, Miles and Y/n, don't kill anybody, alright?" Sam said and he parked the car.

Don't get me wrong Mikaela's nice but Trent...
Yeah no.

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