• Chapter 1 •

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• Kindergarten Au •

-' Temptation'

I never thought much of this word.

It was always just, There, I suppose.

It never had a deeper meaning than what it was.

Well, that was until he showed up.

My world was turned upside down over that one moment of human interaction.

The one interaction that changed my life forever.

Chapter 1, ° The Human Drug °

- I sat underneath an old Sakura tree, its petals all gone due to the cold embrace of the winter.

The other children ran around like wild animals, molding the cold, icy snow into balls of ice to throw at one another.

But, one child has caught my interest. I only know his name from when the teacher would call on him in class to answer a question.

I'm sure he knows mine the same way I know his.

He was running around with the other children, throwing snowballs at them, laughing when they cry.

If I knew what the word 'sadistic' meant at this age, It's what I would call him.

But, I'm sure he wouldn't have known what it meant either.

He would always bully the other children until they cry and run to the teacher.

Surprisingly, he never got in trouble.

He was an excellent liar. Of course, only I could see through them because of my months of observation.

Despite his behavior, something was drawing me towards him. An uncontrollable urge.

A temptation.

All the other children were scared of him due to his sadistic antics, but, I wasn't.

I wanted to talk to this maniac of a child. I wanted to see into the mind of a psychopath.

He was infected with a disease called "psychopathy" and I was eager to study it.

I sighed as I stood up, dusting the white blanket of snow off my coat.

I walked over to him, more eager than ever.

'It's finally happening! My chance to talk to him with no interruptions!"

I reached my gloved hand out to him.

Suddenly, A loud noise pierced through my small ears, causing me to turn to the root cause of this noise.

"Children! Gather round!" Suzuki-sensei called, ringing a bell.

If I knew how to curse at this young of an age, I would've been.

We headed inside as we sat at our desks.

Ms. Suzuki started rambling about lessons as I zoned out, thinking about Dazai and how I would ever talk to him.

All of a sudden, a paper airplane landed on my desk.


I snapped my head in the direction the paper came from.

My eyes widened.

Dazai was staring at me, smiling.

God, I love that psychotic smile of his.

I couldn't help but smile back, my smile just as psychotic as his.

I turned to the airplane lying on my desk.

I picked it up and opened it only to see written words.

Most kids in this class had bad handwriting, but not him.

His handwriting was the best I had ever seen.

Even better than the teachers but, I may just be stretching it due to my admiration.

The paper read, "Wanna hang out later?"

My eyes widened, they shined with excitement.

'Wha- he wants to...hang out with me?'

I could hardly contain my excitement, my smile wider than ever.

Hell, maybe even looking more psychotic than he does right now.


Once playtime rolled around, we all played inside.

No one wanted outside in the freezing cold.

I walked over to Dazai, Who was sitting alone playing with some wooden, colored, square blocks.

"Oh, you actually came?"

He asked, sounding a bit surprised.


I stuttered out.

I sat down across from him on the yellow carpet, picking up a red block and examining it like I've never seen one before.

"What's your name?" He asked, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.


"Yuno Miyazaki."

I said, degrading myself for stuttering

"I'm Dazai! Osamu Dazai!" He said, excitedly.

"So, what're you building?"

I asked the male.

"I don't know. I'm just bored."

He said with a sigh.

'Ok Yuno, start a conversation'

"So, how do you never get in trouble?"

I asked him, genuinely curious about his lying skills.

He smirked, "Promise you won't tell?~"

I nodded ecstatically.

He motioned for me to come closer as he leaned in towards my ear.

That's when he laughed, "Ha! You fell for it!"

I sat back down as I shot him an un-amused look.

"Come on! It was funny!"

He said, rolling over on his back, laughing.

'That laugh..'

'It's maniacal..'

'I love it.'

I smiled at him, knowing i had found him.


After that faithful interaction, my admiration for him has grew tremendously.

I often catch myself staring at him in class.

I'm having to pull my gaze off his features every second.

Everytime we hang out, I'm always near him.

I can't be away from him for more than 5 minutes.

It's an unhealthy addiction I have but, I keep feeding into it.

Over the years, each grade we progressed, I always found a way to be with him.

I couldn't help myself.

I longed for him, his touch, his everything.

I kept digging a deeper hole for myself.

I had already taken a sip and now I'm addicted.


\\ 891 words //

Tell me if I should continue this.

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