• Chapter 4 •

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° Chapter 4 °

° Downhill °

TW: ABUSE (physical and verbal), FOUL LANGUAGE

After she was eradicated, I had Dazai all to myself.

I would try to get closer to him every second.

I made sure I wasn't weird of course.

Like I said, I'm an excellent actor.

My one downfall was, I suck at starting conversations.

I don't interact much with humans, mainly with animals.

Hypothetically, of course.

Sadly, the conversations wouldn't last very long before they were lying on the floor, dead.

I gulped as I walked over to my future lover.

'Will I finally hold out a conversation with him?'

Before I even could say anything, he did.

"Oh, hey!" He said to me, waving.

My eyes widened.

'Oh my..'

My pace steadily picked up as I made my way over to him.

"You're Yuno, correct?"

I nodded.

"Cool!" He smiled.

"W-What're you doing?" I asked, a stuttering mess.

"Drawing!" He said, happily.

I peeked over his shoulder to see what his creation was.

'He has pretty hands..'

'I've never been so close to him before...'

'It's wonderful..'

He made a sudden movement causing me to jump back.

He smiled widely as he held up his drawing, showcasing it.

I gazed at it in awe.

He had drawn the teacher in a pool of blood, a stab wound in her stomach.

"I like it!" I said, smiling.

"Why, thank you!" He said, sounding full of himself.

He then shoved a piece of paper in my hands, along with a pencil.

"Why don't you draw something?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Anything for you.." I said

"Yeah, yeah." He said, not listening.

Good thing he wasn't.

I sat in the desk next to him and began to draw.

I caught him trying to peek over to see what I was drawing from time to time.

It was adorable.

"Finished yet?" He asked, sounding impatient.

"Almost.." I said, trying to finish it up.

"Well, I already finished!" He said, sounding full of himself again.

"I'm done!" I said, showcasing my work to him.

"Hey! That's me!" He said, excitedly

He snatched the drawing out of my hands for a closer look.

I watched as his eyes shined with happiness.

'He's so cute!'

'And he's all mine..'

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