• Chapter 3 •

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° Chapter 3 °

° out of my way.. °

- "And.."

"3!" I shouted, pressing down on the sharp blade of the saw, moving it back and forth.

I grimaced as her blood splattered onto my clothes, shoes, and face.

Guess I'll just have to deal with it.

I continued to move the saw back and forth, blood spewing everywhere, until..

"Fuck." I said as I encountered her bone.

That's when an idea popped into mind.

I smirked when I remembered my dad's old bone saw.

I quickly dropped this old rusted one and ran to the piles of clutter around the basement.

"Where the fuck is it..?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Yes!" I shouted out of excitement.

I quickly ran back to her body, oozing blood from the wounds.

I kneeled down in front of it as I held up the saw, examining it.

I chuckled.

"I haven't seen this old thing since I murdered my neighbors dog.."

I smirked.

"Such an annoying animal it was.."

I lined up the saw with her bone and began to move it back and forth.

It took some work but I managed.

I smirked at my progress.

I then moved on to her left leg, right leg, etc.

Doing the same to her other limbs till all were cut off.

"What if all her limbs made a 'POP!' sound when they came off?"

I laughed at the thought.

That's when I noticed her stomach.

"Should I?"

I asked myself.

"Yeah." I said as I quickly ran out of the basement to go grab the knife I had used previously.

I snatched it off the cold, blood covered tiles, running back to the basement.

I ran back to her dismembered body, only her head and torso remaining.

I moved her severed limbs aside into a pile.

I positioned myself, hovering over her stomach, knife at the bottom of her throat.

I then thrusted the knife into her throat, cutting a thin, but deep line from her throat to the bottom of her stomach.

I smirked as I dropped the knife onto the blood drowned concrete.

I used my hands to rip open her stomach from the deep incision I had created.

"Woah!" I shouted in amazement at the sight of her intestines.

I reached my hand in, wanting to pull some out, when I remembered.

Her blood is gross.

I retracted my hand and ran to the kitchen to grab the package of rubber gloves from under the sink.

I slowly and carefully slid them onto my hands, slipping my slender fingers into the holes.

"Boom!" I shouted, holding out my slender, gloved hands to gaze at.

I smirked as I reached my arm inside, grabbing ahold of something.

I then yanked on it until it, hypothetically, 'Popped!' out.

"Oh, cool!" I said, holding up her small intestine, admiring it.

I tossed it onto the floor as I reached my arm back in, seeing what else I could find.


- I let out a puff of exhaustion.

"Well, that's done!" I said with a satisfied smile, staring at her makeshift grave.

I had gone out to the forest, her severed limbs and torn organs in a garbage bag.

I used the shovel I had dragged with me to dig a hole big enough for her limbs and torso.

I began to walk back home, covered in dirt, blood and, sweat.

I sighed as I grabbed the mop off from leaning on the wall along with the bucket.

I filled the bucket with hydrogen peroxide and began to mop the cold, bloody tiles.

Luckily, none had gotten onto the living room carpet.

Once I had finished, I moved to the basement, the floors covered in her disgusting blood.

I sighed as I clutched the hydrogen peroxide container in my hand.


- I stepped out of the shower with a satisfied sigh. I grabbed my blue towel and began to dry off.

I watched as the remainder of the blood washed down the drain.

I threw on a fresh pair of clothes, grabbing my old ones.

I waltzed over to my parents junk drawer in the kitchen, looking for a pack of matches.

A blank expression rested on my features.

Once I finally found the matches, I walked out to the backyard.

Luckily, my parents had a bonfire.

I grabbed the gasoline and doused the wood.

I threw my clothes on the pit and lit a match.

I threw the match onto the fire and watch as my clothes went up in flames.

"Dazai, you're all mine now..~"

\\ 768 words //

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