• Chapter 5 •

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° Chapter 5 °

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- Silence.

That's all there was as I stared at my ceiling, covered glow in the dark stickers of stars.

My eyes scanned the ceiling as if looking for something that couldn't be found.

"I can't sleep."

I sighed as I sat up, throwing the blanket covers off my fragile body.

I slowly stepped out of bed, opened the door, and tip-toed downstairs.

My gaze landed on Father who was sound asleep on his recliner.

'He forgot to turn the TV off again.' I thought to myself, opening the cabinet.

I grabbed a glass and began to fill it up with water.

I gazed back over at my sleeping Father.

I'm so tempted to slit his throat.

Bury his body where that girl's is.

I shook off these thoughts as I headed back upstairs.

One day.

I quietly shut my bedroom door, setting my glass on my nightstand.

I turned on my lamp and grabbed a book from my bookshelf.

I sighed as I browsed the selection.

I never really read these old things.

Mother got them for me, hoping she'd be able to read them to me one day.

She never did.

Father always kept her busy with unnecessary chores.

He always wanted something to bitch about.

And, when he couldn't find anything to complain about,

He'd make something up.

I finally settled on 'The Tattooer' by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki.

Mother didn't buy me this one no matter how much I pleaded for it.

She claimed it was too 'graphic'.

So, I simply stole it from the library.

I gave them a fake name and 'boom!'.

I got the book.

This was one item I'd be taking with me.


"Here you are, sweetheart." Mother said, setting down the plate of scrambled eggs.

She knows I don't like eggs.

Forgetful woman.

I watched as Father ate his food, knowing he was going to complain about it once he was finished.

"Father?" I asked him.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Would you like my food?"

He looked at the food, then back at me before snatching the plate and dumping the food onto his.

"May I be excused?" I asked Mother.

She turned around, glancing at my plate.

"Oh my!" She said, sounding surprised.

"You sure ate quickly!" She said, grabbing my plate and slowing placing it in the sink.

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