Break's Path - Part One: Memories

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... Break. Your breath caught in your throat in astonishment. Sharon seemed surprised too! Break was such a calm guy, even in the most tense situations, so why was he acting so... odd?

You'd never seen him this angry; red eyes blazing, hands clenched into fist, and his trademark smile had dissipated to become an intimidating snarl. At some point, whether is was while we was talking or before, he even stood up.

Reim, who apparently had a great amount of respect for the albino man, stepped down and reclaimed his seat.

"We came here to discuss her part in Pandora, not to accuse her of a crime!"

Oscar nodded in agreement, and, soon after, so did everyone else, murmuring their thoughts on the matter.

Reim sighed then began to speak, "Well, we were going to discuss, primarily, where to put her in this next mission we had planned... but since you seem so inclined to stick up for her, even though she's a murderer-" A deep growl emanated from your throat at this. "- I think you should be the one to keep her in line."

Although your expected response from Break would be a sharp objection, you received the exact opposite. He actually sounded relieved as he replied, " Fine. I will."

Sharon looked a bit concerned with this decision. "Are you sure, Break?"

At this point Break had regained his usual composure and was no longer tense or agitated, his smiles even returned.

"Of course, milady." He sighed and sat down.

Since no one objected to Reim's proposal, Gilbert got up and strode over to you, digging a small key out of his pocket.

As soon as he freed your hands, you automatically rubbed your wrists out of habit, not noticing the chair disappear out from under you. Your (e/c) orbs met a certain albino's crimson ones as he held you. You hadn't even heard him get up, let alone see him.

Break's gaze shifted from you to the people within the room. "If there are no objections, I shall take Ms. (l/n) into a briefing room to get her caught up on the details of our next mission." Everyone stayed silent, so he left the room, you still in his arms, uttering a farewell.

(I know this is a short chapter, but the next one is going to be VERY long and filled to the brim with new information regarding your character's past and the plotline~! Here's a quick sneak-peek since I've already gotten most of it written! [Also, did anyone notice that I changed the description and the title?])

"R-remember? Wh-what am I supposed to be remembering?!" Nothing made sense at the moment. You were hoping to clear up some of the confusion by asking that.

He had a dead-serious expression as he firmly said, " your life."

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