Chapter Two: Endless Questions

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    You opened your eyes. You'd expected to be in the abyss, but you were surprised to see that you were in a hospital. Or at least you thought you were.
    You then noticed a figure at the corner of the room.
    Immediately you sat up, quickly regretting it as you laid back with a bombing headache.
    "Careful..." You recognized Gilbert's voice instantly.
    "Where the hell am I?"
    "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine?" He raised an eyebrow, sarcasm licking at his words. He was silent for a moment, then he sighed, " you're in Pandora headquarters, in the nurses office."
    "Why aren't I in a cell?" You glared at him coldly, still not letting your guard down.
    "Because you're not an illegal contractor," he replied calmly. You raised an eyebrow, trying to tell him that you were confused, to which he answered, " when I was chasing after the illegal contractor, I found you on the ground. Your wounds portrayed that you'd been attacked by the illegal contractor, and you needed immediate medical attention. I had lost the illegal contractor anyways, so I brought you here..." He hardly batted an eyelid at his well thought out lie.
    "Did they not notice the incuse?"
    "It wasn't there when they operated. Since you weren't actively using your chain, your incuse wasn't visible."
    You nodded in understanding. "Ah, alright..."
    It only then occurred to you: "how long have I been out...?"
    "Two days."
    You slightly flinched at his reply.
    There was an awkward silence that filled the room. You had to break it by asking the inevitable question.
    "Why did you do it?"
    His head shot up in surprise, his eyes meeting yours. "Excuse me?"
    "Why did you lie to save me," you questioned him, maintaining a serious expression.
    Although he should have been expecting it, the question had caught him completely off guard.
    He tripped and stumbled over his own words, "I.... uh, well, see, I thought.... you know. Look," he sighed, finally gathering his thoughts, "I don't know why you became an illegal contractor... I know that you have no intention of changing the past, so why give up your chances of an afterlife?" He had a curious, yet serious expression playing on his facial features.
    You raised an eyebrow at him, trying to hint him onto your annoyance. "You didn't answer my question." In fact, he seemed to be avoiding answering said question.
    "A question for an answer doesn't work with you?"
    You simply scoffed, still waiting for an answer.
    He opened his mouth to speak, but an older man opened the door. He promptly stood up as if ready to rush out the door.
    "Relax," said the older man. "They just wanted me to check up on the little lady." He looked towards you and smiled.
    You wanted to scold him for calling you a 'little lady' but you held your tongue.
    "So, she's awake?" He kept smiling.
    You didn't know how to reply, so you simply nodded.
    He walked over to your bed and held out his hand. "My name is Oscar Vessalius. What's yours, little lady?"
    You realized that you couldn't really have any idea of addressing yourself, as you didn't know what Pandora had in their books. During your time as an illegal contractor, you couldn't recall ever telling anyone your real name, so Pandora couldn't possibly know it, rather, they knew your nickname.
    "My name is (f/n) (l/n)." You shook his hand.
    "So you're the one who got mauled by the infamous (n/n)?"
    You tensed up slightly and replied, "y-yes...." Then a thought hit you. "Why does Pandora want her anyways?"
    Oscar raised a questioning eyebrow and shot a look of disbelief over to Gil.
    "She knows about Pandora and everything else that's going on.... I've always trusted her since we are childhood friends...," Gil explained.
    Oscar nodded. "I see. Well, Pandora only wants her so they can make sure she doesn't cause any trouble."
    "Well, I know that (n/n) is an illegal contractor, but... has she even killed anyone, besides almost myself," you asked, wanting to make sure their facts were straight.
    Oscar shook his head. "Luckily, no." He had an almost thoughtful expression. "Although we'd like to keep it that way."
    You were shocked by how easily he was giving you information that you almost believed he must be lying. At this, you had to question him: "Why are you giving out information so readily?"
    Oscar smiled. "I'm not. I simply trust you."
    "Why's that?"
    "Because Raven trusts you."
    "Raven? You mean Gil?"
    He nodded, still smiling. "Of course. I'm sorry... I'm used to addressing him by his chain...."
    You chuckled, "No, don't worry. It's fine."
    You finally sat up with a grunt, carefully this time, as not to get lightheaded.
    Both Oscar and Gil watched you carefully, as if you were about to fall at any moment.
    You couldn't help but let out a small bark of laughter. "You both need not be so worried about me. I've been through worse." You smiled reassuringly. You then moved to stand up, but Gil appeared next to you and held you down.
    "I-I don't think you're ready for that yet." You could hear the worry in his voice as he spoke.
    You chuckled once again and brushed his hands off of you. "You have to run before you can crawl, right Gil?" You winked playfully.
    He groaned slightly and pouted. "I think you've got it backwards."
    You smiled and stood up wobbly. Gil was immediately right there, steadying you.
    You smirked at this action. "For how worried you are for me, someone might have thought you'd fallen in love with me~," you commented teasingly.
    He brushed off your smug expression and the comment, leaving only a slight blush in it's place.
    After you had regained your balance, you walked around.
    Smiling, you sung, "All better~!" You giggled.
    Oscar was watching Gil and you with an amused expression, a slight hint of mischief twinkling in his eyes.
    At this point, Gil decided to ask, "So, (f/n). Want to meet our little family?"

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