Break's Path - Part Two: Reminiscing Said Memories

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You been placed in a white room that was most likely bugged. Apparently Break had the same idea.

At this point in time, you could put some weight on your broken leg, thanks to the amazing healing properties of your chain. You could run away, but you wouldn't get far since you had Break... checking the room for microphones?

"Break? What the hell are you doing...?"

He wasn't at all fazed by your question as he quickly finished up his search. He seemed unusually serious. 'What is on his mind?'

"Good. We're alone." It seemed like less than a second before you were in his tight, warm embrace.

You couldn't contain your blush as you lightly pushed away from this foreign feeling, however, you simply could not escape his embrace. "B-Break...? What's going on," was all you could utter out. Your brain could not physically process what was happening, so it was now stuck in a loop, trying to figure it out.

"I missed you," he whispered quietly into your ear. His voice was unbelievably soft and filled with emotion.

Your thoughts were racing; 'What the hell is going on?! This is so confusing! Why the hell does Break seem to care so much for me?!'

Determined to figure out this confusing situation, you gently pushed away from him, escaping from his arms, a confused expression present on your face.

Break stepped back, his eyes soft and a gentle smile on his lips. You'd never seen him like this. Were you that important to him?

"So you really don't remember..." he trailed off, his voice quiet and low, the smile disappearing. He sighed, as if trying to calm himself.

"R-remember? Wh-what am I supposed to be remembering?" Nothing made sense at the moment. You were hoping to clear up some of the confusion by asking that.

He had a dead-serious expression as he firmly said, "your life."

"My life?! I remember my life! I was born 25 years ago. I grew up with Gil, got thrown into the Abyss twice and-"

"Oh... so your memories have been fabricated," Break interrupted.

"Wha-?!" You squeaked out, shocked be his reply.

"If you don't believe me, then let's start with this; what is my name, (y/n)?"

Without hesitation, you replied, "Xerxes Break! What the hell was that supposed to prove?!"

"That you truly don't remember."

Frustration began to set in since you couldn't clear this lingering confusion. "I think you have the wrong person, " you snapped, not being able to contain the obviously irritated tone.

However, you didn't convince him; he shook his head. "I couldn't ever forget you... I could never mistake you for anyone else." As he said this, he promptly looked away. There was obviously something you were missing. (No shit, Sherlock!)

Maybe he was right; maybe you had lost your real memories. It's not like you would know...

A wave of guilt hit you, and, with a sigh, you quietly said, "So... if you are right... and I have lost my memories, do you have a plan to get them back?"

He shook his head. "I do not."

"Well... since you seem to know of my real past... perhaps you could help jog my memory?"

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