Chapter Three: A Tearful Reunion

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     You followed Oscar and Gil into a large room that had several people in it. You recognized one of them.
     "Xerxes?" A white-haired man looked up from his treats, placed carefully upon the table in front of him.
     For a moment, his one visible crimson eye portrayed nothing except confusion and curiosity. Then his eye widened in realization. "(F/n)?"
     Gil looked a bit surprised and asked, "you two have met before?"
     You nodded quickly. "Aye... That was so long ago..." You didn't want to tell these people how exactly you knew Xerxes Break, because you weren't sure if Break had, one, already told them, or, two, didn't want them to know.
     Break quickly got up, startling the younger lady next to him. "Excuse me for a moment, Lady Sharon."
     She nodded, looking at you with intense curiosity.
     You were so busy studying the young lady whom Break had addressed as 'Lady Sharon', that you hadn't realized you were being pulled out of the room by Break. You only noticed it after you heard Gil's frantic protesting.
     "Don't worry, Raven, I just want to catch up with my old friend..." Break smiled reassuringly.
     Once you snapped back to your senses, Break no longer had to drag you out; you followed him.
     The moment you were out of the room, you said, "what is the Mad Hatter doing at Pandora?" You put your hands on your hips, waiting for an answer.
     Break was a bit surprised to hear you speak of who he was so freely.
     You then noticed the doll that sat on his left shoulder, which, to your amazement, began to speak.
     "How do you know who Xerxes is?!" The doll looked at you accusingly, or at least as accusingly as a doll can look.
     That's when Break quickly decided to intervene. "Ah... Emily... This is (f/n)... I've known her since before the... incident."
      Hearing the word 'incident', you realized that Break was intentionally hiding his left eye. Before he could react, you shot your hand out to brush his silver and white locks away from his left eye.
     The second you saw what was there, or what was lacking, you stumbled back. Break was too shocked at your actions to react.
     "Wh.... what happened?!" Break quickly redressed the bandages that covered his missing eye, then brushed his hair back over it without hesitation.
     Sadness made itself apparent in his one visible eye, and he looked away in shame.
     "I-I was cast into the abyss shortly after you were... and the intention of the abyss took it from me."
     You immediately felt guilty for what you'd done, and you quickly moved to hug him. "I-I'm sorry, Hatter-san... I shouldn't have done that..."
     He hugged back after a moment. "It's alright..." He smiled and said, "you're the only person who would notice something so small."
     You smiled at what he said. "It's because I care."
     He nodded.
   You hadn't noticed that Gil had now come out of the room to check on you, as you were still engulfed in Break's arms. Furthermore, you hadn't realized that you were crying.
     Break, on the other hand, had noticed and was now trying to comfort you, whispering apologies and such into your ear over and over again.
     "What's going on?" Gil finally decided to speak up.
     Break smiled and said, "just a tearful reunion between old friends~!"
     Gil looked a bit suspicious as Break released you from his warm, tight embrace.
    You had finally stopped crying at that point and were busy wiping away the salty tears that had stained your cheeks.
     Break patted your head and said, "I need to get back to Lady Sharon."
   You nodded in understanding and smiled. "Alright. You know, I just wanted to mention that I noticed you haven't aged since I last saw you..."
     He smirked and replied while chuckling, "I know~ I look good for being as old as I am... don't you agree?"
     You giggles and shoved him playfully away from yourself. He let out a bark of laughter.
    All the while, Gil was watching you both with a hint of jealousy in his eyes. You noticed this and, being in the playful mood you now were, said, "aw, poor Gil~! Am I not giving you enough attention?" You smirked, waiting for his reply.
     He blushed furiously. "Wh-what?! N-no! I-it's just th-that-!"
     Cutting him off, you quickly stepped away from Break and closer to him, then you poked his cheek, still wearing your smirk. "Somebody's being bashful~!"
     You couldn't help but giggle as his blush deepened and he murmured out a small, "shut up!"
     Then, something caught your eye. A small boy, looking to be about 12 years of age, had pushed open the door and was poking his head into the corridor and was now watching you with interest boiling in his green eyes.
     You stopped pestering Gil and walked over to the blonde-haired boy. "And who might you be?"
That is the end of part 3~! At this point, I have decided to add on an additional path... I will write both a Break x Reader and a Gilbert x Reader for this now~! They will both branch off of this part! I will try to keep both up to date, but I'm pretty sure I'll end up finishing Gilbert's path first.... Anyways, please comment if you want me to do this!!!

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