Welcome to Pandora (Gil's Path - Part one)

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     ... Gil...? Wait, Gil was standing up for you?

     Oz immediately tried to calm Gilbert down, although it hadn't taken much effect. "Gilbert, please sit down-" Oz tried to say, but, by then, Gilbert was already making his way over to you. It was amazing that Gil was defying his master like this, but Oz didn't protest as much as one might think. Alice, although she always had something to say, remained quiet.

     Break seemed relieved and remained smiling as Sharon simply watched.

     Reim backed off a bit, obviously not wanting to go up against the golden-eyed man.

     "We are not here to convict her of a crime that she did not commit, we are here to discuss her place." He stated, his eyes cold as he glared at Reim.

     Due to Reim's naturally friendly nature, he sighed and nodded, muttering an apology. "Would you like to fill her in, then?"

     Gilbert nodded and Reim sat down. "(Y/n), once you are healed, which shouldn't be too long because of your chain's healing powers, you will help us with the smaller missions we set out on."

     "Smaller missions...?" Was there something bigger behind them? You assumed by saying smaller missions, he must be talking about ridding the streets of illegal contractors that actually seek to harm people.

     "Yes, smaller missions. Basically, if we are informed that there are illegal contractors wandering around, or if a chain somehow manages to make it out of the Abyss, it will be up to you, Oz, Alice, and me to fix the problem."

     So you'd be working with Gil? Part of you wanted to ask if he had made the decision in the end about what exactly you'd be doing, but you stayed silent, your cocky, sarcastic nature subsiding.

     Gilbert was silent for a moment to let you think things over. "This is your last chance to back out. Are you absolutely positive that you are going to be able to work and stay loyal to Pandora?"

     The last bit annoyed you slightly, but you knew he was only adding that part for the "audience's" benefit. Of course you'd stay loyal, why wouldn't you? You knew damn well that if you stepped out of line, you'd be as good as dead anyways. Not to mention that you wouldn't want to betray Gil...

     You nodded, knowing your decision would be what was best for you right now. Maybe if you were truly desperate to get away from Pandora, after awhile of working for them, you could possibly request more freedom. 

     Gil very slightly smiled, glad you didn't seem to be reacting too harshly. Aside from that, he was happy he wouldn't have to visit you in a cell anymore. You'd get your own room and be able to wander around the headquarters as you pleased, as long as, of course, you stayed in line and didn't cause any trouble for any one else.

     At this, Reim let out another sigh, taking off his glasses and cleaning them with a soft handkerchief, muttering something about getting started on the paperwork. Oscar, who had been serious for some time now, smiled and stood up, walking over to you and Gilbert.

     "Well, we were hoping you'd give us an answer like that, so we had already prepared a room for you." Oscar said, smiling. "And there is a meal waiting for you upon your arrival to said room. Raven thought you might be hungry."

      You smiled slightly. Gil did still care about you. That was wonderful to know. You nodded and went to stand up, but you still had a broken leg that Gilbert hadn't forgotten about.

     Almost instantly, Gil picked you up and gestured to Oscar to lead the way. This entire event had drained your energy, although you hadn't been doing very much physically. The healing process was tiring though.

     Simply because you were tired, you buried your face into his shoulder and let your eyes drift closed, wanting to get a small nap, even if it was just a few minutes, in before having to be up for the rest of the day. You knew that by tomorrow, you'd be healed as if you'd never broken your leg, but the time between then and now would be exhausting.

     As you had done this, Gil blushed and smiled gently, carrying you with a bit more affection than before to your new room.

((Heyyy so I finally got part one of Gilbert's path done. Yay~ It only took... three months. Anyways, I shall be continuing soon. I thought perhaps I should branch an Elliot path off of this once I introduce him into the story. I might do a Leo path as well if I can figure out how.... Anyways, hope you enjoyed! I shall be updating soon! Please let me know in the comments if you would like me to do the aforementioned idea! Also, I know that this was a very short chapter, but, just like Break's, the next one will be loaded with new information.))

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