Chapter 21-25

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Chapter 21

Zhao Wenhua put his arms around Ji Sheng, lowered his head and sniffed his neck.

The scent of the body wash was mixed with alcohol, mingling into a different kind of appealing aura.

Zhao Wenhua grinned, intoxicated and lewd.

He had been eyeing Ji Sheng for a long time. In Qingchu, apart from the austere young lead singer, what attracted him most was the unruly drummer.

Unfortunately, the beautiful lead singer was underage and looked like a rich kid, so he'd probably get into trouble if he did something.

Zhao Wenhua could only regretfully let it go and put the drug into Ji Sheng's glass.

The big teenage boy was as unsuspecting as he expected. He passed out after drinking it, leaving them to do whatever they wanted.

Zhao Wenhua dragged Ji Sheng closer, and during the movement, the hem of Ji Sheng's t-shirt rolled up, revealing his thin waist.

The boy's waist was really narrow. Because of the lack of sunlight, his skin there was much paler than in other places. The contrast between cold white and a black t-shirt was intense, giving one a great sense of visual impact.

Zhao Wenhua pinched it in fascination, thinking that it must've felt nice to hold this thin waist.

His mind was full of filth, when he suddenly heard a few exclamations.

He raised his eyes and saw the beautiful kid he had just been mentally masturbating over rushing in like a madman and snatching Ji Sheng out of his hands. Then he raised his foot, kicked Zhao Wenhua hard in the stomach and knocked him straight over the table.

"Fuck!!" Zhao Wenhua yelled in shock and anger. His back slammed on the edge of the coffee table and knocked it over. Bottles of alcohol fell to the ground with a clatter. Zhao Wenhua lay on the table, grunting in pain. After regaining his senses, he was furious, "Do you dare fucking touch me?! Do you know who I am?!"

Xie Xuanming ignored him. He looked down to check Ji Sheng's condition. After discovering that he was unconscious, he raised his eyes and pierced Zhao Wenhua with a bloodshot glare.

Zhao Wenhua was shaken by the ferocity and madness in his eyes, feeling a bit of fear in his heart inexplicably... Finally reacting, he spat out "fuck", got up in anger and cursed.

"What are you idiots waiting for? Beat the shit out of him for Lao Tzu!"

The rest of the people in the room couldn't be called Zhao Wenhua's subordinates but they had to give Zhao Wenhua a bit of face anyway. At this moment, Zhao Wenhua was kicked and thrown on the table. If they sat idly by, they were bound to be held accountable by Zhao Wenhua.

They made a quick decision and rushed forward, shouting and with his fists clenched.

Xie Xuanming put Ji Sheng on the sofa behind him, turned around, picked up a beer bottle and slammed it at the closest attacker neatly.

The man was hit so hard that his jawbone deformed, and he fell screaming.

Xie Xuanming raised the bottle and swung again, hitting the man's head fiercely. The beer bottle shattered, and the people around hurriedly backed away to avoid glass fragments.

The second guy rushed up and punched Xie Xuanming's jaw. Xie Xuanming's head snapped under the blow. When he raised his head again, the corner of his mouth was bloody and a bruise appeared at the corner of his eye.

His eyes filled with anger. He slammed his elbow into the man's throat. When the man screamed and fell down clutching his neck, Xie Xuanming broke another beer bottle on his head.

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