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        Zayn watched as Myra threw scraps of leftovers into the river to feed what little fish that was left in there. Her hair had grown out from when he’d first met her and she had it tied up in a careless bun at the top of her head. Her stance was bold and menacing yet so unmistakably elegant. She wore a green hunting tunic and black but currently faded to brown boots.

        He had feared coming back here after all he had learned three days ago. It shamed him to know that the man he called father was such a relentless beast and brought with him pain and anguish wherever he tread. He couldn’t let her find out the king was his father. He feared losing this peace that came with her presence. She’d hate him, he was sure, so he couldn’t risk it. He did not want to risk it, especially now that he was starting to feel drawn to her. Romantically.

        “Are you going to just stand there and watch me all morn?” She asked with her back turned to him. “Zayn.”

        He smiled. This woman was indeed a mystery to him. He quickly straightened out the worn clothing he wore and walked up to her. “How did you know ‘twas I?”

        She looked sideways at him and, ignoring his question, asked. “Do you have to come here always?”

        “Do you have to be here always?” He retorted with a silly grin. Everything about her made him happy, even her dissatisfaction.

        “Do not answer my question with a question.” She said, totally ignoring the fact that she’d just done the same thing a while ago as she tried to stop herself from smiling.

        He moved closer to her and leaned over. “Well do you not think your question seems misplaced seeing as I hadn’t set foot in here for three days?”

        She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again as words failed her. She opted to look down at the little fish competing for crumbs.

        “And here I thought you’d be more welcoming.” He continued right next to her ear, hands clasped behind him.

        Her ears turned red and she laughed, a soft musical tinkling that Zayn was sure would haunt his dreams and in spite of himself, he was glad for it.

        “Your laughter is a beautiful as you are.” He whispered hoarsely. He thought back to the inconvenience of being his father's son -Tell her, tell her, tell her. He chose to ignore his conscience niggling at the back of his mind.

        She stopped then and had to bite her lip to restrain her happiness. “Thank you.” She said for lack of anything better, she’d never been made speechless so many times in one day and by the same person too.

         He came to stand before her with a smile and she cleared her throat to stop herself from smiling back at him “I must go now. I've been here for a while.” She whispered, head bowed.

        He tilted her face up with a finger and whispered. “Would that be because you really want to,” He stared intently into her gray orbs. “Or because of I.”

        Why did he have to be so handsome? She thought as her knees became weak and her legs, wobbly. She stared right into those heated hazel coloured eyes and felt her heart sink like lead into her stomach. He was standing close to her now -so,so close- she could practically feel the heat waves emanating from his skin. She traced the scar above his left eyebrows with her eyes. She remembered thinking how he’d come to get the scar and had longed to trace it with her fingertips the very moment she set eyes on it. How had he come to be slashed with a knife? Who had done it? A mistake? Why make me feel this way?

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