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        Looking to the west, Zayn frowned and then redirected his attention back to the wheezing lad. "Keep calm and explain clearly."

        The lad breathed in deeply and then stood upright. "Head maid Relda had brought around the new batch of servants to familiarize themselves with the castle and be assigned jobs."

        "When they got close enough to the west kitchen, they ran into some of Lord Calis' subordinates who demanded that the head maid let up some maidens for their entertainment. When she resisted they went on to threaten her and forcefully grab a few maidens in broad daylight!"

        "I do not know who started it, but the maidens resisted fiercely and grabbed whatever 'tis they could lay their hands to defend themselves, ensuing the current chaos.".

        "Why were the guards not notified."

        "They were but when they realized it was Lord Calis' subordinates they dare not get involved." The lad spit out with his chest heaving in repressed anger.

        Zayn nodded and waved a hand to dismiss the lad. "I'll be there shortly, you may leave." The lad bowed quickly and ran back to the kitchen.

        He looked over to Brien and pulled out the animal skin parchment. "Have this hidden properly in my chambers and select a few knights to meet me up in the west kitchen."

        Brien nodded, bowed and walked away with the parchment.

        Zayn looked to the west again and clenched his fists. It was no surprise that Calis' subordinates were every bit as licentious as he was but to go as far as harass the newly admitted servants in broad daylight was just overstepping their boundaries.

        The maidens may be mere servants in their eyes but they were also respectable citizens -the citizens the knights were meant to protect in the first place. It seemed the dungeon had been fated to be brimming with unrestrained knights this day.

        He walked to the west kitchen, drawing out the sword of a random guard on the way.

        The voices of screaming women and angry knights drifted over when he got close to the west kitchen. Contrary to expectations the west kitchen wasn't really a kitchen per say but more of a large open warehouse where the servants usually had their meals.

        The knights were not supposed to be around this part of the castle as they had no business there but 'coincidentally' they ran into the servants here. How convenient.

        His uneasiness grew to new heights as he stared at the Kitchen but he thought naught of it and walked closer. Relda, who was pacing in front of the kitchen, came forward.

        "Milord, thank goodness you've arrived." She let out quickly with a bow and followed behind when Zayn nodded and kept on walking.

        He'd just stepped into the centre of the debacle when he saw a knight pull out his sword with a sneer and strike towards a maiden that had him exasperated.

        He rushed forward and clashed his sword against that of the knight's and then gave him a firm kick that had him skidding across the flour covered stone floor.

        "What is the meaning of this?" Every being in the room froze when they heard his voice and then looked to the knight that had been used to wipe the kitchen floor.

        "Zayn." A delighted voice called out from right beside him, probably the maiden he'd saved.

        He looked to the direction of the voice and came face to face with the one person he'd been yearning to see for over two days.

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