Chapter Four

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He feels like he was five again, walking hand in hand with his parents on either side of him. The last time he had both his parents hands in his was right before Porchay was born. Don't get him wrong, he loves his brother with all his heart, but it did feel so damn good to have his parents just to himself for a while.

Porsche could feel his cheeks cramping from how wide he was smiling, but he didn't care. He was finally with his parents after a decade. He's missed them so much. Even though deep down somewhere he knows that seeing his parents again was supposed to mean something, but again, he doesn't give a damn about it. His heart was light and soaring, and his laughter fills the air.

They were walking down a familiar crooked dirt road, the firm soil felt cool beneath his bare feet as they made their way down. The air was heavy with humidity and the sun shining brightly around them, but the strong breeze made up for the heat. He could hear the waves, gently crashing, the sound getting louder as they neared the beach which he knew was at the end of the road.

Time was irrelevant where he was, at least he thinks it is as the family took their own sweet time to get there, soaking in the sounds of nature, the birds chirping cheerily, the rustling of the trees, Porsche's non stop laughter.

Sand started to dust the dirt path and Porsche could see the golden sand and turquoise blue waters through the trees.

"Mae, Por, look!" He exclaimed excitedly. He turned to his parents, his smile widened even further as his parents nodded to him. He refused to let his parents' hands go, so he pulled them with him as he half ran half stumbled onto the beach.

"Woooooh!" He screamed as he finally let their hands go and went into the crystal clear waters. It felt so good to let the water cool down his skin. He looked back to the beach, just to ensure that his parents were still there.

"Por! Mae!" He called out. He waved to them, and they waved back, smiling at him. Yeah, they're still there.

He treaded water for a bit, before dunking his head and then coming back up. He pushed his hair from his face and then pushed himself up, exhaling and just letting his body become buoyant.

With the sun shining brightly on his face, Porsche squinted through his lashes, and just smiled upon seeing the clear blue skies. The coldness of the water and the heat from the sun was such a stark contrast, but they marry in such a perfect harmony. He was struck by a certain familiarity to this, the heat and humidity meeting cold water but he can't really place where exactly.

Oh, well.

Porsche let out a small satisfied sound, basking in the beauty of everything. He had his parents here, he was at the most favourite place on earth. Life was good.

A sudden bright flash from the sun had Porsche raising his hand to shield his eyes, and he paddled a little with his other hand to shift his position to a more comfortable angle. And that was when he saw it, his pruned fingers.

"Look at my fingers!" He exclaimed, showing his fingers. Gentle hands clasped his wrist, bring his hands closer to the person's face.

The other person also brought up his own hands to show his own pruned fingers and they giggled like small children.

"What the-"


His Mae calling him broke his line of thoughts. "Lets go find some food!"

"Coming!" he replied. He dunked his head in the water one more time to just get his hair off his face before swimming back to shore. His parents had somehow procured a towel and new set of clothes for him while he had been daydreaming in the waters.

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