Part 3

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Dick walked into a large bedroom, glancing around. A few minutes before hand Slade ran down some rules. Not all of them but like 4-5 of them.

1-No leaving the house unless with Myself (Slade) and or Dr Crane (scarecrow) if ignored results in a severe punishment.

2-any acts of argue of disobedience will be retaliated with a force of punishment and is obedient to said punishment will result in another punishment and the cycle goes on.

3-Training everyday at 12am for two hours and 12pm for 2 hours. If not there on time will result in punishment.

4-No contact to anyone outside of this house. That contains no internet access nor phone access. Ignored will result in severe punishment.

5-Follow instructions given. If disobedient then punishment will follow.

6-New rules will be added and followed. The punishment severity will vary depending on how bad of the rule was ignored.

Dick wasn't a fan of the rules but he'd find some way of getting way past them. It was just a matter of time before Slade learnt he wasn't the right person to force orders upon.

He shut his door and walked over go the large white wardrobe, swinging it open to find it empty. He huffed and pouted but that didn't matter, some way or another he'd probably get clothes back.

He slammed them shut, too loudly for his liking but it was an accident. He turned around, looking at the bed. It had orange bedding and black pillows. There was a white wooden bed side table with a lamp and a clock. The lamp had an orange lamp shade and the block was black with green digital numbers.

The walls were white and one wall orange. It really did follow Slade's whole scheme so it was understandable.

There was a door to the bathroom what he didn't bother to check so he didn't see the bother. He looked out the large window before stepping closer to it and looking out.

He placed a hand on the window and sighed, glancing at the traffic from the motorway outside. Somehow it was extremely quite for all the traffic zooming past.

He rolled his eyes and huffed. He turned back around and walked to his bathroom, opening the door and being surprised. There was a large shower plus bath, toilet, sink yada yada. But it was all expensive shit and. Leaf expensive shit.

He chuckled and closed the door before locking the door. He slid down it and closed his eyes, resting his head besides the door. A sudden fear waved over him before he reopened his eyes and glanced around. He spotted a camera in the corner and he cursed quietly. He was glad it was pointed away from the shower but it was still fucking icky.

Seeing that camera hit him. There were two other cameras in the bedroom and he had spotted them when he first walked in, he just didn't register them as he didn't see why they were there. Now thinking about it-It was creepy and weird and desgusting.

He closed his eyes again, deciding he felt safer in the bathroom and sighed quietly. He was exhausted and didn't feel comfortable in the bed yet so the bathroom is where he would stay for as long as he wanted.

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