The party

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At the beginning of winter break, Steve hosted a party at his house. Everyone from school was there. Eddie and I hadn't talked since the end of sophomore year because I met Steve and then I met his friends, and I got invited to all of their things and Eddie slowly disappeared from my life.

I'm not going to lie, but that hurt my heart leaving him like that, all alone, but he began to make friends with other people and started his Hellfire club during sophomore year with the freshman's.

Eddie showed up at Steve's party late that night. His hair is so much longer now. It looks really good.

He never really was much of a party animal. He's always making fun of the popular kids for having parties. I'm surprised he even showed up.

We didn't talk until Robin decided that we should all play the game, seven minutes in heaven. Of course she did, it's the go-to party game for teenagers.

We wrote names of the people who decided to play on pieces of paper and stirred them around in a bowl. Since Robin chose the game, she got to pick the names, too.

"Alright everyone, let's see who's going first." Her hand stirred around the bowl and she finally picked two pieces of paper. Looking around the circle of people, she says, "Drumroll please!" Everyone started banging on the floor.

Then, she unfolded the slips of paper, her expression changed quickly, and I didn't know why. "Okay, our first contestants are, Eddie and y/n."

My stomach dropped and I looked from Robin to Steve. Steve was not happy, but why were we playing this game if there was a chance we wouldn't go in the closet together? He looked at me, his eyes glossy.

Deep down, I really wanted to go with Eddie. I told Steve about mine and Eddie's history, so he was hesitant to letting me play, too. Then, finally, Steve gave me a nod.

Eddie was on the other side circle, and he jumped to his feet and slowly walked toward me. He reached out his hand, and I looked from Steve, then up to Eddie.

Eddie turns to Steve, gives him a wink and jokingly says, "You have nothing to worry about." Then he licks his lips. My hand still holding his, I follow him up the stairs where the closet appears at the top.

He opens the door, sweeping his hand in front of me, allowing me to go in. Then, he says, "Ladies first!" with a grim smile on his face.

"Oh, thank you!" My eyes go from his eyes, down his arm, to his hands, each finger holding a chunky silver ring. Then, I blink out of the trance and enter the closet.

He follows me, closing the door behind us. The closet is surprisingly cramped and we're really close. The little room is filled with hung up jackets and boxes at the top. My eyes drift around, so I don't have to look at him.

Eddie lets out a loud sigh. "So, it's been a while." He finally breaks the tension, though some still lingering. My eyes meet his. He's looking at me, like really looking at me.

"Yeah. I assume so." I break eye contact because all I want to do is kiss him. "I got caught up with school. We don't have much in common now." He looks away, too.

"No, we have a lot in common, but you just keep denying it because you don't want to damage your reputation. You shut me out because you became popular and suddenly thought you were better than me. I know, you didn't forget what we had. Face it, you still have feelings for me."

He lets out a loud gasp like he's out of breath from his "speech". I deny it even though I know it's true. "I loved you. I know we were too young to know what that means, but I know now what it is." He starts to sound choked up. Then he gathers himself with another breath.

Eddie, My LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant