Ninja of Pirates

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Well, everything's boring. I mean, ever since we got Zane back from Chen, and after that deal with Liz, things have been quiet. For the past few years, there hasn't really been a need for us ninja anymore. Oh, or for a samurai, either. Oh Nya...

"Jay!" Kai yells from across the room.

"What?" I ask.

"The training course turned itself on again. You really need to fix it." He says.

I groan and walk out onto the deck. "Fine." I say. I get out on the deck, where Zane, Cole, and Kai are staring angrily at me. "Okay, why is it that I'm the only one who can fix this thing?"

"Uh...because you said you would do it from the beginning of ever since we met? Remember? You said, and I quote, 'if anything happens to the training course, I will fix it.' End. Quote." Cole says, crossing his arms.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, I'll fix it."

"Uh...guys?" Nya says over the intercom. "Is that a pirate ship?"

We turn around and see another flying ship coming towards us.

"Soto?" Kai says. "It's probably him. This won't take long, but how did he get out of prison?"

"Kai, I do not think that is Captain Soto's crew." Zane says.

I think Zane's right, that ship looks different and Soto seems to be nowhere in sight. It comes closer to us and doesn't stop.

"Prepare for impact!" Cole says.

The pirate ship rams us in the side, and pirates start to climb on board. Nya, Sensei, and Misako all come out. We're all off balance as the rouge ship hits us again, and I think the captain comes out. They start attacking us. We can hold our own but there's just too many. Soon they over power all of us and the captain comes closer.

"Where is the Green Ninja?" He says in a gruff voice.

"Like we'll ever tell you!" Nya says, squirming against the man who's holding her.

"Ah, looks like we've got a feisty one." The captain says. "Take her with us."

"No!" Kai and I scream together.

"Let my sister go!" Kai yells, trying to get free.

They escort Nya to their ship, but I manage to break free from my captor. I run towards Nya and tackle the guy taking her away.

"Run Nya!" I say. She runs towards the others, dodging pirates as she goes. More pirates start to come for me, but I don't back down. "Take me, but leave my friends alone!"

"Fine." The captain says, grinning. He's missing a lot of teeth.

They drag me on board their ship, setting the others free. They run towards the rouge ship that I'm on now, but it flies away before they reach it.

"Jay!" I hear Nya yell.

That's last thing I hear before I see the captain's fist coming for my face. Everything goes black.


I can't believe it. What just happened? One moment we were haivng a normal day, and the next, Jay is taken away. The rest of the pirates leave our ship and head to their own. We try to catch up to them, but they manage to escape.

"Okay, first I hated dragons, then snakes, then robots, no offense Zane, and now I hate pirates." Cole says.

"How can I not take offense to that?" Zane asks. "I am a robot, and you said you hate robots, so-"

"Whatever!" Cole shouts, making Zane stop talking.

"We need to keep calm." I say. "They have Jay and they're looking for Lloyd. We need to set this straight."

"Sensei, what do we do?" Zane asks. We all turn towards Sensei.

"I...don't know." He says. "I think we may need some help."

"But, who can help us?" Nya asks, sniffling a little.

"Liz." Zane says.

He's right. She could help us a lot. But there's one problem. We don't know where she is. "Great idea, but how do we find her? We've seen her only a few times for the past six years." I say.

"Maybe he will help." Misako says, pointing towards Falcon, who's flying around the ship. "He always seems to find her, and we can track him. When we find her, we can ask for her help."

"Good idea." Zane says. He holds up his arm and the falcon comes over. "Do you think you can find her for us?" He asks. It gives a caw in response and flies off.

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