Ninja of Torture

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I wake up in a cell. The last thing I remember is being taken away from the bounty by a bunch of pirates. I can't remember anything after that. I try to stand up, only to find that I'm chained to a wall. I pull against them, trying to free myself, but they're thick. I grunt as I pull harder, only to feel like I'm ripping my arms off. I hear a ripping sound and pain soon explodes in my shoulder.

"Agh!" I yell as I slump against the wall.

I look over my shoulder to see skin torn and muscle exposed. At least it didn't tear to the bone. I try to wipe the blood off and cover up the wound, but my other hand can't reach my shoulder. I lower my hand and take deep breaths.

"It's alright, Jay." I say to myself. "Hehe. This is just for now. Your friends will rescue you soon enough. Don't worry."

I start laughing a little as I start to see that I might not get out of this. This is what happens. I get in a hopeless situation, but I still pretend that it's not bad. Just like what happened with the Great Devourer. I think I really started losing it then.

I stop laughing as more pain shoots down my arm, reminding me of my open shoulder.

"Oh...Looks like da little ninja already did our first part of da job." I hear a pirate say from down the hall.

Pirates. Why did it have to be pirates?

The pirate comes to the front of my cell. He opens the door and walks in deviously. I notice he has something in his hand. A long, rope-like object. I realize it's a whip. I tense as he comes closer.

"Where is the Green Ninja?" He asks.

"Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you." I say.

This makes the pirate mad. He comes closer and raises the hand with the whip in it. I flinch as he brings it down on me, cutting though my ninja outfit and drawing blood. I let out a struggled grunt as he brings it down again. Tears start to come out of my eyes without my telling of it. Every time he brings it down, I feel thousands of knives being thrown into me. He smiles and laughs at my pain.

"I think that's enough, Yolo." Another pirate says, walking up to the cell door. "We wouldn't wanna kill 'im, now, would we? I think it's about time we figure out where his friend Greeny is."

He opens the door and walks up to me, so close that I can see all the dirt covering his face.

"Where is he?" He asks.

"I...Don't...Know." I say.

He slams my head to the back of the wall, making me slip in and out of consciousness. I feel the warm liquid of my blood starting to pool out around the back of my head. I look up at the pirates, who prepare to torute me more. The one with the whip, Yolo, hits me one more time, making me try to break from my chains in agony, before leaving. The other one stays behind. He looks at me with the same cruelness as the first. Then he punches me in the stomach. I double over, gasping for breath. I cough and spit up blood and end up giving up and slumping to the ground.

I raise my head as much as I can, only to see the other pirate walking out the door. He joins his friend, or comrade, and they lock the door behind them.

"What if we can't get him ta tell us where the Green Ninja is, Hashtag?" Yolo asks his companion.

"Then Captain Lmfao will be very displeased. With all of us." Hashtag says.

What weird names. I think as I slip into unconsciousness.

I open my eyes slowly. At first, I don't know why I feel so awful. I mean, I'm on the bounty, aren't I? Then all of the pain comes at once. I remember the pirates, the whip, everything. I look aorund and see small shafts of light coming in through a barred window high above me. I sigh heavily and look down at my feet. I can still feel the pain of it all, as if it were yesterday. Was it yesterday? Was it two days ago? I don't have a good sense of time here. I decide to let my mind wander back into unconsciousness. That's the only time I don't feel any pain.

I don't know how many days I've been here. I know it's been days, at least. Wait! I don't know why I didn't think of this before! I can use my powers to get out. The next time one of those pirates come in, I'll zap them and take their keys.

As soon as I think of this, a pirate comes in -the same one that came in the first time- holding the whip. He stares at me again, the way he usually does when he comes. He raises his hand with the whip in it, but at the same time, I ready my hand.

I feel what little strength I have left power my lightning. I feel it rising in me, and I see it come out from my fingertips. Blue lighting that lights up the whole cell. The pirate looks at me in shock -Ha ha! That's the third time I used that, and it's especially funny this time!- before he gets violently electrocuted.

His body slumps to the ground, just close enough for me to grab his keys. Since I can't reach for them with my hands, I use my feet to pull the body closer and finally grab the keys. Yes!

I unlock the chains on my hands, which fall beside me as soon as they're freed, and try to stand up. I fail. My arms hurt after being strained like that for so long, and the rest of my body is too injured to move much. I fight through the pain, though, and manage to stand up while leaning most of my weight on the wall. I walk over to the cell door and unlock it, taking the keys with me, then lock the pirate back up.

He isn't dead. I just used enough electricity to knock him out.

I look around the corridor that holds the cells and see no one. I run towards the door at the end. It's strange that there are no other prisoners here. Actually, all I see are skeletons. A small shiver runs down my spine. I wonder how long they've been here.

I reach the door at the end and open it. I smile as I see the sun again. It feels so warm on my battered body. I look around some more. There are pirates about, but I think I can escape. I sneak my way around the edge and finally get to the railing. I'm prepared to jump in the water and swim, but I soon see that the ship is in the air. Ha. Fantastic!

I sigh and put one of my feet on to the edge. Just as I was about to fall, I felt some one grab the collar of my torn up ninja suit.

"Where d'ya think yer going?" Asks a gruff voice.

The pirate yanks me back on the ship, where others have noticed my appearance. A crowd starts to gather around me. I see the pirates that came to my cell the first time, Yolo and Hashtag. The captain comes up to me, making the one holding my shirt back away.

"You must be Lmfao." I say irritably.

"Yes, I am." He says. He smirks as I scowl at him with pure hatred. "You might think it is a weird name, yes? Well, it doesn't mean anything to me. All of our names are like this. Remember when that fool Garmadon revived Soto?" I nod. "Well, my crew was warring with Soto long before. When he was revived, so were we. We soon realized that the names given to us all that time ago now have pointless meanings. Yolo! Hashtag! Get over here!" Yolo and Hashtag come running over quickly, almost tripping over themselves. "These two are my second and third in commands. Take him back to his cell!" He yells at the two standing next to him.

Yolo and Hashtag drag me through the door, back into the dark corridor.

"You won't make me say anything!" I say.

Yolo looks at me in amusement. "We know ya don't know a thing about the Green Ninja. We're still lookin' for him. Right now, we can't risk ya going back to yer little freinds and tellin' 'em anythin'. It's also fun to see ya squirm." He says.

I struggle against their grip, but I'm too weak to fight them. They hold their grip on me and I soon surrender. They throw me back in the cell. The cold, dark, dirty cell. Both of them come in and lock the door behind them. That's when I remember I still have the keys. As soon as I remember, I guess Yolo remembers, to.

He comes forward, yanking my arms up to the chains they were previously in, and starts searching me. The force on my arms makes my shoulder split slightly open again. Yolo searches my pockets, looking for the keys. He finally finds them in a pocket near my feet. Ninja suits always have so many pockets, it's hard to keep track of all of them sometimes. When he gets the keys back, Yolo punches me in the gut. I double over, just like the last time it happened to me.

"Yolo, do ya wanna beat 'im?" Hashtag asks the pirate.

"Nah, I'm done with 'im fer now." Yolo says, turning towards the cell door.

Hashtag walks up to me ands takes the whip from Yolo. He raises it above his head. Pain. That's the last thing I feel.

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