Ninja of Revenge

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The Captain is taking my powers. He changes forms. He is no longer a pirate captain, but...Azzume? That's Liz's enemy. How did he...

"You are wondering how this is happening," he states. I'm too weak to respond. "The only way to get your power, and the powers of your friends, I had to disguise myself. She will come for me once she discovers my scheme."

"You...are after...Liz?" I manage.


Azzume comes closer. I can't stand to look him in the eye. I can't lift my head up any more. I feel worse than what I felt when the Overlord drained me of my golden power.

"Uhh.." I slip into the grasp of darkness, the realm of unconsciousness.


I sit on the floor, panting. I cough up some blood. My shoulder hurts even more, and I haven't seen Lloyd at all since we were captured. I hope he's better off than I am. The pirates still haven't taken out Yolo and Hashtag's bodies. They're really starting to smell.

I hear footsteps coming towards me. They're running. Soon I hear yelling and screaming and people running around. I don't know what's going on, but I hope it's good news for me.

I hear the door barge open at the end of the corridor. I shrink back into the shadows as someone approaches. If these attackers are against the pirates, there might be a chance that they're against me. The figure comes closer. I see their shadow cast against the wall. The person has a sword strapped to his back and has spiky hair. Kai.

"Kai!" I manage struggled yell.

"Jay!" Kai cones into sight. "Where's Lloyd?"

"Don't...know." I say.

"Hang on, I'll get you out of there." Kai makes some fire and tried to melt the bars, but it doesn't work. "I'll go get some keys."

"Hurry." My voice sounds weaker with every word I form.

A few minutes later, Kai comes back with some keys. He unlocks my cell and then unlocks the chains around my wrists. He helps me to stand, putting my arm around his neck and his arm around my waist to keep me upright. My legs feel like jelly. I can barely stand. Kai helps me get through the door.

"I should warn you," he says, "it's an all out war out there."

"What...happened?" I ask.

"We're rescuing you and Lloyd. Liz discovered something and..."

"Lost it?"

"Yeah. She lost control. Luckily, she managed to harm only the pirates and not us. So far."

Kai kicks down the door. It's stormy, there are pirates everywhere, alive and dead. My friends are fighting them. I don't see Liz anywhere. Nya comes up to us in her samurai suit.

"Take Jay back to the Bounty. Get him to Sensei," Kai tells her.

"I'm on it."

Kai hands me over to Nya and soon I'm back on the Bounty. Sensei helps me inside while Nya goes back to help the others.

"Jay, you need rest," Sensei tells me.

"No, I can...fight."

"Don't be ridiculous." I turn my head and see Misako. "You need to sleep. Drink this." She hands me a teacup with a drink in it.

"What is it?" I ask. I start sipping the tea. It's really sweet.

"That tea will help your injuries heal faster," Sensei explains. "You should be better when you wake up."

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