Ninja of Reunion

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I'm on my home planet, meditating. It's been six years since I have seen the ninja, and I kind of miss them. The only time I have seen them is whenever Azzume tries to kill them. Again. I sense that Azzume is on their planet now, and I go to see what's wrong.

I arrive on Earth to see Azzume wreaking havoc. Again. I roll my eyes and quickly defeat him, forcing him to retreat. Again. I decide to stay a little while and enjoy the scenery. As much as I love my home planet, Earth has always made me feel...relaxed. I take a deep breath and laugh.


I feel like such a child, running and spinning around in the green grass; but it feels so amazing! I love being able to enjoy my life sometimes, instead of fighting constantly. Then it takes over. Crap. I let my guard down, and it takes over.

"Hello, Light." The darkness says. "You have let yourself become too comfortable. For that, you will pay dearly."

"Darkness." I say. I am Light, my dark side is Darkness. Although we are different, we are the same person. "You will not take over this time."

Then I hear a caw. I look up to see Falcon flying over. I heart does a little flip as I remember the ninja. This makes Darkness weaker. I let her dissipate into the back of my mind.

I reach my arm up so that he can land on it. "Hey, Falcon!" I say, smiling. "What are you doing here?"

"To see you. I have been sent by my master to ask you for your help." He says.

"My help? What's wrong?" I ask. I start to panic slightly. I knew I should never have not kept an eye on them.

"The blue one, Jay, has been captured by rouge pirates."

"Captain Soto?"

"No, not the ones they are familiar with. Different ones. I do not know who they are, but I can track where they are by connecting with their main data. They have lots of technology on their ship. It will be easy for me."

"Well, is there anything you can't do, Falcon?

"No." He says, a little cocky.

"Alright, I'll help. Just lead the way."

"Before we leave for the Destiny's Bounty, my master would like to speak to you."

"Your master? Zane? Okay, what does he have to say?"

Falcon opens his beak and Zane's voice comes out.

"Liz, we need your help. Jay's been kidnapped, and the people who took them are after Lloyd. We ask for help in finding both of them."

"Falcon told me what happened. I'll track down Lloyd and bring him back to you, that way he's safe, and then we can look for Jay."

"I knew we could count on you, Liz. Thank you."

"Anything for my friends." I say.

"It's nice to talk to you again. I have missed you quite a bit."

"I miss you too, Zane. I'm glad that we will see each other soon."

Falcon closes his beak and flies off. I search for Lloyd's life force, tracking him down. I sense it in a deep jungle, along with Garmadon's.


I close off the communication between me and Liz. When she first noticed Falcon, she looked like a normal human being. She was actually dancing. I felt sorry for her, for not having many times like that. She says she'll look for Lloyd, and I know that she will find him. I promise, Lloyd, we will keep you safe; and we will find you, Jay, and bring you back home.

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