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Airo had done nothing but piss her off that morning. It was his alternative to putting her through hell again, he claimed, and she was not to disobey.

"Tell it again," Airo ordered, though she had just finished. She grunted. He was not to be argued with, though. Xadya told it again.

The King was angry that day. Well, angrier. His wrath was to be expected, but on the day he'd caught Airo and James together, it was like nothing Xadya had ever seen.

She was Arcane, then, and the King marvelled at her. At her abilities. At her obedience to him.

"Get Xadezhda," he snapped, and she hurried over to him as soon as she heard her name.

"Sir?" Xadya asked, looking down at Airo. James was held back by guards already. Their eyes were equally wide.

"Can you guess, pet?" He looked at her, a sneer on his face. "You'll be shedding blood today."


"No!" Airo roared, but guards seized him too.

"And you," the King seethed, turning to his son. "Pack your bags, Airo. The front awaits."

Colour drained from his face. Unbeknownst to the King, Xadya's as well.

"Xadya," James begged. His eyes pleaded with her. Xadya's were cold."Please, don't do this."

"Xadya, if you lay a finger on Jamie, I will never forgive you." Airo's tone was enough to make her question her orders. For the first time in so, so long, she argued with the voices. But they did not let her argue with the King.

Xadya's eyes, even the whites, flooded obsidian. Her paces toward James were slow, taunting.

"You have no idea the damage I can cause," she said to him. He was on his knees know, and she held his face in her hands, her sharp talons digging into his skin.

"Xadya," he pleaded, but she shook her head.

"You have to go, James," Xadya said coldly.

Airo tackled her before she could shed blood. It was a shame. She had wanted to see the colour.

"Don't touch him!" Airo roared, pinning her wrists to the floor. She was stronger, though, and flipped him easily.

"Even the Prince cannot harm the Arcane,"Xadya seethed, though her heart said other things.

What heart? She thought then. It was gone. They had made sure.

"Please," Airo begged softly. "Please don't kill him."

"Let him up, Xadezhda," the King purred. She did. He stared Airo down, questioning his obedience as well.

Airo looked desperate, but he could not fight his father.

He left.

James' heart sunk, and he lowered his head to the floor as Xadya approached him again.

"Lock him away," the King ordered.

Xadya gritted her teeth, staring back at him. She was promised blood.

"Control yourself," he snapped. "My son need only to think this boy is dead. You know very well I cannot have unjust death on my hands, you stupid Arcane."

"Sir," she said softly. He was calmer when she spoke to him.

He spoke slowly. "It leads to rebellion. My Arcane would fall, and you with it, my pet. I cannot have that."

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