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All the showers in the world and she still did not feel clean. It was labouring work, scrubbing the blood from her hair over and over and over again as the tiles stained red. Xadya did not know if she would ever forget the stench.

Copper filled her nose and mouth as she ate and ate and ate. One by one until they were all dead. Malakhai was no help, utterly fascinated with her power and refusing to stop it. He wanted more and she was not sure how far she could push against the tether that held her humanity in one piece.

What would happen if it snapped?

She avoided the Zlatčka altogether. One thing Xadya knew for certain was that if Matías got wind of her newfound capabilities, he would either use her or kill her and neither of those options sounded particularly appealing.

Xadya went to the church, kneeling before the shrines dedicated to each of Ventura's five gods; Ōstara, Tileczna, Yzaos, Bahohr, and Indzha. Now that she had a moment to give it some thought, Malakhai was right. Their power came from the Initiation, not from them. The gods would not deign to give power to such vile creatures.

"Back again, are we?"

She did not turn, even as Malakhai entered the church.

"I thought they might have answers for me."

Malakhai heaved a sigh, and she leaned her shoulder against his leg.

He rested a hand into her hair. "Milaczek, I do not think the answers you seek can be found in this church."

"Just because you do not believe in the gods doesn't mean the rest of us don't, either."

His hand found her chin, turning her head up toward him. "I believe," he murmured. Xadya tilted her head.

"You think they've abandoned us, then."

"Would this country be in such turmoil if they hadn't?"

She scowled and refused to admit that he had a point.

"Come with me." His voice was soft, and she followed with no further instruction. Malakhai slowed so she could keep up, and together they walked from the Caves to the palace.

Xadya shuddered when she glanced at the door.

"Do you regret it?"

Xadya shook her head slowly.

Malakhai grinned, and pushed the door open. She hesitated before following—the Arcane were not allowed in the palace without an invitation.

Airo was seated on his throne, looking out at the two Arcane before him.

"I requested you," he said to Malakhai. A pit formed in Xadya's stomach.

"Well, you've got both of us," Malakhai quipped. "If we're to acquire an understanding of Xadezhda's power, don't you think it might he helpful if she were involved?"

"Brave," Airo remarked.

"I don't answer to you."

Xadya tilted her head. "Where is Jamie?"

Airo tensed. He said nothing as he led them from the throne room. A fire burned in the corner of Airo's study and James was there, with a girl Xadya did not recognize.

She froze at the sudden Arcane presence.

Xadya inched closer to Malakhai. He took her by the elbow and sat her in a chaise, too small to hold the both of them comfortably. She did not mind being so close to him, though.

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