The Sex Doll Company

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Just when you thought getting through college was the hardest thing you'll ever do, the world slaps you with a realization, and that is the existence of the world outside the four corners of your classroom. The cafeteria is now the entire grocery store, the classroom is your work place, and the library, your apartment, for its the only place you feel safe and where you can be completely honest about who you are. A month after graduating in college, you secured yourself a job, working as an assistant for a middle aged businessman who worked in automobile industries. You lasted for about 2 months, until you had to quit for some personal reasons.

You're the kind of person that can never be relaxed. Someone who was never in between. You are either working or studying, or asleep. That's why you got out of school swiftly, however, exhausted and did not enjoy a bit of it, except when you're in the library. In all its glory, brought by the quiet and the smell of old books. You thought of this while sitting in your couch, in a not so small, but also not so big apartment. It's moderate. Just like you. But it's not typical either. Not dull. A rather interesting place that doesn't bore you if you knew what the things in there are for. So you open your laptop and browsed for any company near you that is hiring. There, you found a rather out of your league company that is hiring for someone to add to their marketing team. You were interested, but hesitant, for the company was Kineros Inc. and you know exactly what they sell. One of your college friends once shared a story about her boyfriend owning a sex doll, and he bought it from Kineros. He appears to enjoy it way too much that he actually broke up with your friend. How awful, you thought. But if a guy that will settle for an emotionless doll and only use it for the made-up vagina broke up with you or with any of your friends, you'd consider it good ridance.

So you thought about it, with a tea in hand. Then finally you decided to send your credentials. Two days after you received an email that you're set to do an interview with one Ms. Wilhemina Venable, the head of Human Resources in Kineros Inc. You wanted to make an impression, despite being hesitant on working in a sex doll company. But you needed a job. You needed to feed your cat. And you needed to pay rent, so you showed up first thing in Monday.

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