The Dinner

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You've been in Kineros for approximately two months. So far, things have been good. Your workload did get lighter when Ms Venable gave you the work you're only supposed to do. Since you came back, your team has spent all hours working on the Millennium Project. You told your team that Ms Venable would double their salary once you get the deal, so everyone was more than eager to work on it. Weeks of overtime finally led to the big day.

When the day of presenting to the Millennium Company arrived, your team braced themselves. And after long hard weeks, you're finally able to reap the fruit. Your proposal was chosen by the company and you got the deal. As celebration, you and your team decided to have a huge buffet dinner. You thought about inviting Ms Venable, and told your team about it. They were hesitant at first because they didn't want to bring work at dinner, let alone behave in front of the Purple Dragon but you managed to convince them. Ms Venable has been civil with you. Not very nice, but definitely better than you started working for the first time. Your friends kept teasing about you being Ms Venable's favorite. Since you came back, Ms Venable started treating the other employees a little better. She still yells at them constantly but less insults are being thrown their way.

So you knocked into Ms Venable's office...

"Uhmm, hi, Ms Venable. Can I talk to you for a second?"

She was on her desk, doing her usual errand. Her head did not even rise to look at you, but she answered "Hurry, I don't have much time for chitchat."

"Yes, of course. Uhm, I just wanted to invite you tonight. The team is having a buffet dinner to celebrate the Millennium project and we'd like you to come. It'll be at the restaurant 5 blocks from the building. We'd appreciate it if you'd come. "I" will appreciate it."

You didn't know why you said the last sentence, certainly when tou emphasized the I but something in you did not regret it. Maybe a part of you wanted her attention. To spend time with her. Is it really that bad?

Ms Venable finally looked up to you and answered "I'll think about it." Then went back to her work.

"Thank you, Ms Venable." then you left her office.

Around 5pm, you and your team left and went to the restaurant. Everyone was laughing and were having fun until Ms Venable waltzed in around 6:30. Everyone got scared but you were elated. You did not actually think she would come, but she did. She's here. And you're gonna have dinner with her.

You rose from your seat and greeted Ms Venable, and lead her to a vacant seat beside you. Your coworkers were clearing their throats every once in a while, and then things were quiet. So you swooped in to break the ice, everyone followed along and it pretty much became a fun evening for everyone. The others decided to go to a club, but you were too tired to come with them. Ms Venable also did not come, 'cause it wasn't exactly her scene.

"Where's your car at?"

You were startled by the question.

"No, I-- I don't have a car just yet. We went here via cab."

Ms Venable once again had that smug smile on her face, but now it looked kinda attractive to you and less annoying.

"Well now that I'm tripling your salary, I'm sure you'll be able to buy a car. But for now, let me take you home."

You stood there outside the restaurant, in total shock. Did Ms Venable really just talked to you and offered to drive you home?

"Oh, no no. I can book an uber, or something. I'll be fine."

Ms Venable started walking to her car and said "Don't be ridiculous. You're coming with me. It's almost 12. Where do you live?"

You had no choice but to tell her. How could you say no to Ms Venable anyway?

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