Oh Honey, You're Staying Because I Say So

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You waltzed into Ms. Venable's office and laid the resignation paper in front of her. You took a step back and stood straight, with your gaze glued to the floor. The last time you were in this office, you were so confident that you could do the job, and that you're capable of any assignment, but now you're a complete wreck.

Ms. Venable slowly panned her gaze from the computer to the paper you delivered. She lifted her gaze and looked at you.

"Well, well. Isn't that funny? Only 2 weeks in and you're now planning to resign. And oh...'

She playfully glances back to the document and says, "...you want it to be effective immediately, is that right, Miss Y/l/n?"

"Yes, Ms. Venable." You responded. Your voice shaking from nervousness and dehydration. You were just so tortured for the past 2 weeks that you sometimes even forget to drink water or eat.

Ms Venable shifted on her chair and sat straight. "Miss y/l/n, remind me again, didn't you say that you're hard working, capable, and above all... smart?"

The last word was delivered with a slight sting to it.

"Yes. I did say that, Ms. Venable." You answered, ashamed. But also completely exhausted. You wanted nothing more than to collapse on your bed and sleep for thirteen years.

"Then why are you quitting? Does that mean you're sloppy? A dimwitted incapable employee? A dumb marketing leader? 'Cause that's what it sounds like to me, Ms. Y/l/n."

You just could not handle everything anymore, and tears started flowing from your eyes, to your cheeks, down to the floor. You lifted your head and you looked at Ms. Venable straight in the eye.

"I don't care what you think about me, but I know that nothing of what you said is true. I know who I am and what I'm capable of. I've been here 2 weeks and I've outlasted almost 60% of your employees that left after only being here for 3 days. I need a job, but this isn't it. This is a hell hole that's full of replica of naked women ready to be molested. I don't even know why I'm still here. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm dehydrated. Give my job to anyone you want. Or you might as well just do it since you are capable of everything. But I quit! I'm done. Goodbye, Ms. Venable."

And you left Ms. Venable's office while wiping your tears. You went to your desk, collected a few of your belongings and left the floor, and the building. You hailed a cab and went to your apartment. The moment you went in, you let your body fall on the floor and you just slept right there.

You woke up the next day around 2 in the afternoon, still wearing yesterday's work clothes. You made coffee and sat on the couch. You started checking your phone and saw a notification of an email from Kineros Co. The letter reads:

"Ms Y/l/n,

Come to my office tomorrow.

Ms. Wilhemina Venable
Human Resources, Kineros Co."

It was probably the shortest email you've ever gotten, but it was by far the worst. You would be insane to go back to that company. You checked the email and saw that it was sent yesterday, and that Ms. Venable wanted to see you today. The thought of her only ignited anger in you, so you went back to bed and slept, yet again. You woke up around 2 at dawn the next day and checked your phone. You received another email from Kineros Co. and it made you want to punch someone or something so you took a pillow in your hand, punched it multiple times then pushed your face to it and screamed. You ignored the email and decided to binge some series that you missed since you started working at Kineros.

A week has passed and you decided to look for a job, and you wanted to be more careful this time. You didn't want to end up in a company like the last one you were in. You opened your laptop and started checking your emails and was shocked by the amount of emails you've received from Kineros. All of them sent by Miss Venable, wanting you to come to her office. Each new email gets scarier and more intense than another. You were scared to your wits and absolutely confused as to why Ms Venable wanted to see you. Then you took a moment and thought about it. Maybe it was important. You knew it's not an apology because Wilhemina Venable is not the kind of person who knows how to apologize. It must be something else. So you decided to come the next day.

When you arrived at the building, fear started creeping into your veins, and the moment you stood just outside Ms Venable's office, you felt numb, but you forced yourself to go in.

And there was Ms Venable in her usual spot. Checking documents, one hand on her cane, the other on the papers, scanning them. She lifted her head and her gaze landed straight to you.

"Well well... I thought you died. Why haven't you responded to my emails?"

She asked you coyly, as if playing with you. Ms Venable always had this insulting tone in her voice and you hated it, but also were really curious as to how she does it. Control everybody in a subtle way.

"I don't think I'm obliged to return those emails, Ms Venable. I've resigned. And I don't understand why you so badly wanted to see me." you responded.

Ms Venable rose from her seat and stood in front of you. She was taller than you, and it seemed like she was hovering over you. You took a step back while Ms Venable gets closer and closer to you.

"I'm gonna speak, and you won't interrupt me. Is that understood, Ms Y/l/n?"

You nodded. Your breath shaking from nervousness.

"Your little outburst was... distasteful, to say the least. But I liked it. You impressed me. I liked your bravery. Nobody has ever had the guts to come to me and say those things. And yes, you are capable. You showed resilience, and excellence that is way more than I've expected from you, or anyone for that matter. And we, in Kineros, need your skills. So, I am willing to offer you a raise. I'll double your salary if you come back and work with us again."

She offered it to you like you were a five year old, and her deal was to give you unlimited candy. But you found it smug. Salary was never the issue. It was about how inhumane the environment was, and you couldn't bear going through it again.

"No." You answered confidently.

Ms Venable shoot you a stare that could've carved a hole in your skull.

"Excuse me?" she asked very pointingly.

"Look, I understand that you're not used to receiving NO because you think the whole world is on your feet but that's my decision. This company is not even a company. It's like a dungeon sucking all of us dry. The treatment to your employees is incredibly immoral. I've never been treated any worse in my entire life than when I was here. So NO."

And then everything shifted. A smile began to appear on Ms Venable's face. Like a teasing beam and you scrunched your eyebrows, absolutely confused.

"Silly me. I haven't told you about that yet, haven't I? Well, the reason why you're so exhausted is because you've been doing 4 months worth of work within two weeks. I wanted to test you. To reach your limit. If anything, I helped you realize your real and absolute limitation. And that is important. So, just to be clear, if you decide to come back, I'll double your salary and give you the normal workload. So, do we have a deal, Ms. y/l/n?"

You stood there thinking, you knew you had the upper hand. She needs you, and if you play it right, you might milk the situation a little bit more.

"Triple my salary, then I'll come back."

The beam reappeared on Ms Venable's face, and then she said, "If you get the Millennium project, then I'll triple your salary, and double the those of the entire team. How's that for a deal?"

You extended your hand and said "Deal". But Ms Venable only walked back to her desk and sat.

"I expect you to come back here tomorrow, ready to work. I want excellent work, Ms Y/l/n, so go home and get some rest. And oh... your team is composed of entirely new people..."

She looked at you, her face now completely void of emotions, "You can go now."

So you left the office, went home, had an early dinner and slept.

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