The Meltdown

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"What the hell are you doing?! First, Sally, then the guy who tried to date me, and now my former schoolmate? What are you trying to do, Ms Venable? Take away everything that makes me happy? That gives me any lightness in this hell of a company? What do you want?!"

Ms Venable lifted her gaze from her computer to your trembling frame. Tears were streaming from your eyes, out of anger, frustration, and confusion. You resumed--

"Ever since I came here all I ever experienced was either abuse, being snubbed, mixed signals coming from you and catcalling from all the other employees. And now you're trying to take away the people that actually means something to me?

Ms Venable, this is not the way you get people to stay with you. If you're just doing this to punish me then I'm gonna resign. I'll hand over my two weeks notice tomorrow, and you'll never have to see me again. But if it's something else...."

You walked closer to her desk, put both your palms flat on it, and looked straight into your eyes.

"If you wanted me, you could've just said so. You already had me, but you messed it all up."

Then you started walking away, wiping your tears. You did not give Ms Venable an opportunity to respond. It's been twice now that you did a speech in her office. Both occassions ended up with you bawling your eyes out. You're never the person for confrontations. Heavy situations like these just make your eyes well up.

Two days after that, the company organized a ball, that means everyone had to dress up and look their best. You've always hated these occasions but your teammates insisted that you come with them, and bring a date. You already handed your 2 weeks notice to Ms Venable the day prior so you thought it would be nice to enjoy the few days you still had in Kineros. It was an awful company, morally wise, but it was organized, and you liked things that way.

For the ball, you asked your best friend to come with you. Since the theme was black and while, you and your bestfriend decided to go as an ensemble. Her wearing white, and you in a black dress with a thigh high slip. You didn't like it but your friend insisted saying you've never looked better, so you got sold. She was right tho, you do look good wearing it. Your bestfriend and yourself arrived arm-in-arm as you entered the venue and greeted your workmates. Everyone looked nice, even Jeff and Mutt. You scanned the room lookint for Ms Venable but she wasn't there yet. A few minutes later, woman wearing a long-sleeved purple dress walked in. Her dress has a low neckline but it was covered by a thin lace. You were only 2 tables apart, but for the rest of the evening, you tried to not let your thoughts wander on Ms Venable. You wanted to enjoy this night with your bestfriend.

An hour into the event, your bladder demanded for you to visit the bathroom, and as you went outside the cubicle to fix yourself, there was Ms Venable, standing near the edge if the sink, both hands supported by the cane on her hand. Her gaze were nailed at you.

" Who is she?"

You didn't answer. You were still upset with her and you didn't want to ruin the night by arguing with her. But Ms Venable won't have it.

"I asked you a question. Answer me!"

You remained silent, until Ms Venable walked near you and pushed our frame on the edge of the sink. You looked at her reflection on the mirror, and she looked right back at you.

"As long as you're in this company, you belong to me. So when I ask a question, I want it answered, do you understand that?!"

You tilted your head and smirked. Classic Ms Venable, you thought. It drives her mad whenever she doesn't get what she wants.

"Why do you wanna know who she is? So you could threaten her? Ruin her life too? Take her away from me?"

Ms Venable grabbed a lock of your hair which forced you to wince lift your head.

"I could do worse than that if you don't tell me."

But you were determined. You wanted to see how far she'd go to feed her curiosity. And she did show you that when she grabbed you by the hips, shifted your position, now facing her.

"I know a few more ways to make sluts like you talk."

And her hands began travelling from your hips to inner thigh. Ms Venable's eyes were glued to your legs as she led her hand slip to your dress's high slip. And instead of getting turned on, you were pissed. Her actions proved what she really thinks of you. An easy fuck. An office slut. So you just stood there, trapped by Ms Venable's arms and while her finger was threatening to slip into your underwear, she lifted her head to look at you. A single year came out of your left eye as you stared right back to her. Your eyes void of any emotion. You didn't even know what the significance of that tear was anymore. You just felt empty. And as if waking up from a trance, Ms Venable stared into your eyes for about a minute, and then backed up, and left the building. The moment she closed the bathroom door, you started sobbing uncontrollably. You were there for a long time and your bestfriend got worried so she followed you to the bathroom where she saw you, a complete mess. She then insisted to take you home. You apologized for wasting her time but she told you it was unnecessary and she did have a good time, she even met a nice guy. She told the name and you recognized him, he was from the accounting. The both of you bid farewell and then you went in to your apartment.

You can't remember the number of times you've went home crying since you started working in Kineros. And your cat, your main emotional support already knew the drill. She cuddled onto you and you held her. You were still sobbing, your mascara running down your face, your dress scrunched up on the couch and on the floor. You were utterly broken and messed up. You fell asleep while holding the same position as earlier.

At nearly 2:30 AM, you heard knocking on your door. You tried to ignore it 'cause you were really tired from everything that happened last night, but the knocking was incesssant, so you stood up. Walking to the door, you looked pale and fresh from crying, your eyes puffy, but you couldn't care less. You opened it and saw the person you least expect to see-- Ms Venable.

She looked devastated. She obviously have been crying and drinking, so you let her in. It's as though your former negative feelings towards her vanished the moment you saw the vulnerable side of Ms Venable. She was human after all. You led her to your bedroom and laid her on the bed. When she was lying comfortably, she started sobbing and pushed the pad of her hands to her eyes to stop the tears. You've never seen her like this, and you bet no one else have too. You sat beside her and caressed her forearm, reminding her that she's in safe hands, that she was not alone. When she calmed down, and eventually went to sleep, you slowly stood up, trying not to disturb her, and went to your closet to change your clothes, and went back to sleep on the couch.

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