The Morning After

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You woke up the next day trying to remember the blissful memories of last night, only to find out that Ms Venable already left your apartment. First you thought she was just in the bathroom but there was no one there. You tried the kitchen and living room but she wasn't there either. No note, no text, nothing. You started to think that maybe your attraction to Ms Venable has become fatal that it caused you to hallucinate. But your suspicions were proven wrong when you saw the marks that were on your chest. You smiled, albeit confused.

You went to work like everything is normal, because it is, except it's not. Well, to everyone, it is a normal workday, but to you, it's every bit NOT a normal day. You just slept with the woman you were insanely attracted to, and you wanted to talk to her. So on lunch break, you gathered all your courage and knocked on Ms Venable's office. She let you in, and you saw her looking like her normal self. You started to walk closer to her desk..

"What can I do you for, Ms y/l/n?" Ms Venable asked in a very emotionless way.

"Well... I-- I just uhm..."

"If you're going to stutter the whole time, just leave my office."

You were stunned by the rudeness. It was as though she did not want to talk to you which was evident not only by her words, and tone, but she has not looked at you eversince you stepped foot in her office.

"No, I wont. I just... I wanted to talk about last night."

"And what happened last night?"

Your shock and confusion was multiplied, that was not the response you wanted to hear. What happened last night? So you asked-
"What do you mean 'What happened last night?'"

Ms Venable did not pay attention to what you said and continued doing her work.

"Mina we slept together! Why are you acting like this?!" your voice came out a little louder than expected, but the other employees still wont be able to hear it given that Ms Venable's office is sound proof.

The moment you said the last word, Ms Venable stomped her cane loud enough to disarrange your train of thought. She stood up, walked closer, and looked down at you.

"LISTEN... no one, not even Jeff nor Mutt can call me anything but Ms Venable. And whatever delusions you have of me sleeping with you is nonsense because I would never dip my fingers into a sloppy bitch like you. Do you understand that? Now LEAVE before I call security and bring you to the closest mental hospital."

You were crying the whole time. You could not believe the words that came out of her mouth, but it was real. You heard it loud and clear, so you left. You wiped your tears trying hard not to let your coworkers notice it. Going back to your desk, you tried really hard to think whether it was just an imagination or not. But you've traced every details of that night and you know, you know very well that the night you had with Ms Venable was real. You weren't imagining it. You're not delusional.

When you couldn't contain your frustration, you went into the restroom and bawled your eyes out. You tried to cry without any sound at all, until it wasn't possible anymore. It was a mix of surprise, anger, and disappointment on yourself. How could you let it happen? What made you think that Ms Venable would ever admit that she slept with an employee? Maybe you're just one of those secretaries that she slept with. You're disposable. This thought made you sob even more, until you were disturbed by a knock on the door of the cubicle you were in.

"Y/n, is that you? Are you okay?"

You quickly wiped your tears and straightened your clothes and got out of the cubicle. You told your co worker that you were fine, and then you went back to your desk.

When you were home, you let your body fall on the couch and you cried yet again. You can't help but think of how stupid you were. It was as too good to be true. What were you expecting? That she would sleep with you and you'd become girlfriends? In the first place, you knew sleeping with her was wrong. You knew it wasn't a good idea. And you never were the kind of person who would easily spread your legs for anyone. That was never you. But you let your guard down with Ms Venable and it bit you right in the ass. You kept repeating to yourself how stupid you were until you dozed off.

Waking up the next day, you dreaded going back to work, but you didn't want to resign. You loved what you do and the pay was amazing. So you had two choices, 1. To act casual, like nothing happened, because as Ms Venable said so, nothing did. And 2. To dwell on the incident, resign, and let your cat starve. You chose the former. Waltzing into the building like it never happened, you thought you'd never make it, but you did. The first days were hard but you got used to it, until you were back to your normal self. Ms Venable was still in your head but you're able to control yourself now, and you've got past the whole incident. It's been a month since then.

One day, a new female employee was hired by Ms Venable. At first, you didn't pay any mind to her since you weren't working on the same department, but you finally had the chance to talk when you met at the cafeteria. Her name was Sally, and she was incredibly funny. Although her dark humor might upset other people, you liked it. She was different. She looked different, she acted different, and you found it interesting. After a few days of knowing each other and stealing glances around hallways, Sally would stay in your cubicle during lunch breaks, and the two of you would talk. You enjoyed it a lot, and it's been a while since you've been interested in anyone after Ms Venable. Then one day, Sally simply disappeared off the face of Kineros. You tried to go to her floor, and asked her workmates and they said she was fired. No one knew why, only that she was called to the purple dragon's office and then took her belongings home. You tried contacting her but she wouldn't answer either. This was upsetting enough knowing that the only person that you actually had fun with in this awful company is now gone.

After a few weeks, one of your workmates admitted to you that he had a crush on you. You never showed much interest since Sally just left and you weren't really trying to entertain anyone. But he was persistent, and he was really kind. The marrying type actually, and you thought, if you weren't so hang up on anyone at the moment, maybe you would try going out with him, but you didn't. You made it clear to him that you're not ready for anything. Three days after that, he disappeared as well. The same story as Sally's. He went to Ms Venable's office and then he brought his box and went home. Never returned.

This has disturbed you more when you realized it was almost the same as Sally. What is happening? You thought.

And then one day, one of your schoolmate in college was hired. She didn't know how things worked in the company and she asked if maybe you could help her. You were hesitant at first because you were scared of maybe what happened to Sally and the other employee would happen to her as well. But you did anyway. And just when you thought you were being paranoid, a week after being employed, Ms Venable fired your schoolmate. For you, this was the last straw. What exactly is Ms Venable doing? You marched into her office, really mad and frustrated about everything. You didn't care whether you'd get fired after this, you just wanted to say what has been in your head for the longest time.

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