Chapter 34: The Coward

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"I have a bad feeling about this," Rol said to Unit- 56 who had gathered in the kitchen watching Lenore pack a bag of supplies. She had changed into the Boushh's armor and was doing her best to gather the things she thought she would need with the lack of information she had.

"You said it,"Civa agreed. He motioned to Besa to talk to Lenore. Besa shook her head and motioned to Harillo. If anyone was going to talk Lenore out of anything it would be him. Before he could speak, Prisa ran in with R3 following behind her.

"Here you go," Prisa handed her the knife she had dug up from under the big tree. Lenore looked at it, it was familiar, too familiar, it was Jord's knife.

"Where did you get this?" Lenore questioned, staring at her niece. She knew the girl was only trying to be helpful, but it felt as a bad omen had come to light.

"Found it under the tree this morning. I thought you could use it," Prisa nervously explained. She didn't want to be in any trouble, especially with her aunt. She didn't mind the scouldings she got from her mother or Harillo, but she hated it when Lenore lectured her. She desperately wanted Lenore's approval and praise on everything she did. In a way it was the only connection she had to her father. If Lenore approved perhaps he would have if he were alive.

Lenore dusted off the knife she had laid to rest. Her past was truly coming back to haunt her with a vengeance.

"Lenore, don't do this,"Harillo pleaded, seeing the haunted look on her face. "It would be different if we all were going."

"All going where?" Rya said entering the kitchen. She had just returned from the capital. "My goodness, with the rate of inflation this New Republic will have an uprising on its hands soon enough. I was only able to get three power converters. We really need five."

"Mom! Mom!" Prisa rushed over with excitement, "Did you see the Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft?! A bounty hunter, assassin, a new republic marshall, and a mandalorian came to ask Lenore for help! Can you believe it?! They called her the deliverer? Did you know she was called that? Oh and Civa, Rol, and Besa, were ready to blast them away, but Rillo and Lenore stopped them."

"I still say we should have taken them out," Civa muttered disappointed.

"What's this? I'm gone for three hours and Unit 56 has started the next galactic civil war?" Rya asked, looking around the room. She placed the power converters on the table and saw Lenore's attire. "Well I have to admit, that armor does suit you."

"Don't encourage her Rya," Harillo said. It was always the two of them against him in any decision on the farm. But Prisa was starting to side with him now that she was getting older. The odds of getting a say in what happened were looking up, but not just yet.

"Don't you know anything about Tersus by now Harillo. You can't talk them in or out of anything." Rya turned her attention back to Lenore. "But with that said, what crazy stunt are you about to pull?"

"Rescue mission," Lenore simply stated, there wasn't any time to go into detail. Rya raised her eyebrows disapprovingly. She knew Lenore had experience rescuing people, but she was glad she had given it up for the last two years. "I have to help."

"At least take R3 with you," Rya suggested. R3 beeped courageously. Over the years he had stopped tolerating Lenore and actually became very protective of her.

"Wherever I go, he goes," Lenore smiled at R3's enthusiasm.

"And when you get back, I think we all deserve to finally hear the details of your past ventures, especially since they seem to be making visits. If anything it would make a nice wedding gift," Rya said, hoping the mention of the wedding would distract the rest of Unit 56 from the situation.

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